Chapter 4: Nursing A Sick Angel

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Days passed, and Eve sat with Draco til past the time she should of been in bed. Once, she had stayed up until 5am just so she could admire how handsome he was when he was asleep.

Eve emerged from the bottom of the staircase, just in time to claim a seat next to her friends in Potion Class, Lavender looked up at her and her jaw hung low. Eve looked like a ghost crossed with a zombie.

"Here babe, put on some of this," Lavender said, passing her some concealer and foundation. Eve applied it quickly, as Hermione coughed a little to get Eve's attention.

"Where the heck have you been the past couple of days? We've seen nothing of you in the dorms.." Eve dusted herself off and yawned.

"I've been busy is all..." Hermione frowned, it wasn't easy to fool a girl as smart as her. She was about to digh deeper, when the door swung open and mashed off of the wall, Snape strode in, his long robes swinging about his ankles. Eve yawned, she was so tiered so forgot the one thing that Snape hated, a student that yawned. He slammed his fist down on the table infront of him.

"Did we not rest well last night Ms Lyon?" he asked patronizingly, Eve shook her head, her eyelids falling. "Pay attention!" he called, moving to the front of the class. Potions lesson was wasted on Eve, who slumped on the desk, face down the whole time. Lavender leaned over the slumped body of Eve to talk to Hermoine.

"I reckon Harry's thinking this about Eve..." she then whispered something into Hermione's ear as Hermione grimaced at her.

"Your a foul human being Lavender..." Eve sat up at this, combing her fringe back.

"What are you saying about Harry?" Hermione leaned over to Eve's ear.

"Lavender said that she thinks Harry think's your..."Shit hot" " Eve frowned, as she looked at the giggling Lavender and the disgusted Hermione.

"You find that gross?" Eve said, as the lesson finished, and she rised from the bench.

"What's not gross about it?" Hermione said, picking up her stack of books. Eve shook her head at hermione, but on the bright side, it was finally a break!

"Listen you two, I need to do something, see you next class!" Eve than dashed around the corner, leaving Hermoine and Lavender on thier own.

"Urrgghhh.... that girl...." said Lavender, clutching her books lazily.

Eve was now scrambling up the stairs in excitement, to find Draco up and about in his usual apparel, a suit. She felt her heart melt. Guess this was the end of any communication they'd have. But then Draco turned around, he opened his arms and Eve ran a little to enthusiastically into them.

"Woah!" he laughed, subtley easing her off of him. "I'd like to thank you for taking care of me this past week Eve." Draco said, Eve blushed considerably.

"Don't mention it. It was really quite fun." Draco and Eve's conversation melted away.

"Well... I'll probably get a good chance to talk to you at the Yule Ball in a couple of days time, seeing as we're only in Potions Class together, and i've already missed one lesson of that." he then carried a small case down the stairs and Eve waited a bit, before going down the staris herself.

In the evening, the girls sat in the common room together. Lavender brought out her nail polish and was painting Eve's and Hermione's nails.

"So glad to see you around again Eve, so seriously, where were you?" Lavender asked, taking one fluffy marshmallow from the bag and dipping it in sweet melted chocolate, before popping into her mouth.

"Well, in all honesty, I was keeping Draco company." Lavender stopped chewing and Hermione's expression fell bleak.

"You were looking after that inconsiderate daddy's boy!?" lavender spilt her nail polish all over the rug. Eve started to wish she hadn't told them.

"He's not all that he is made out to be, he's really quite sweet!" Eve protested, watching Lavender and Hermione get up with thier stuff.

"Heh, course. Little you had to think about Draco-square-jaw, before you thought about our feelings!" Lavender made a scene tossing her hair. Hermione waivered inbetween both of them.

"Please Hermione, don't you aswell..." Hermione shrugged and placed a gentle pat on eve's shoulder, before she followed Lavender. Who was most likely bitching to high heaven about her. Eve sat and glared into the fire, long after everyone else dissapeared. Harry came and sat next to her, sitting like he was 8 when he was 17.

"Hello Eve.." he said gently, looking into her face. Eve smiled, she was so good at pretending. "Why are you sitting on your own?" he asked politley, placing his wand back into his pocket.

"Meh. Friends dont like my decisions..." harry chuckled softly to her, looking down.

"I know what you mean..." the room fell islent, you could only hear the occasional snap crackle from the fire. "Listen Eve, I was wondering if you..." Eve looked at him, trying to infer what he was going to say. "If you.... would like to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Eve hesitated. She was pretty sure she loved Draco, but if she went out with Harry, then she would win back her friends.

"Sure why not?" Eve said warmly to him, gazing fakly into his green eyes. She did not want to feel like this. Harry then leaned over unexpectdely, he placed his right hand around the back of Eve's neck and began to kiss her passionatley. Eve sighed, and pushed him off of her.

"Harry, no.." she said gently, trying her best not to ruin his feelings. "I'm not ready for this yet..." Harry sat there, his knees up to his chest, the room fell silent, and they both gazed into the fire. Eve then sighed once more. If Lavender and Hermione found out she had been kissing Harry, they would most definatley bring her back into the social party, it was then, that Eve went against her heart.

"Alright Harry..." she said, and he laughed softly from his throat, as they both leaned forward to each other and his cracked dry lips, met with her soft pale ones. Eve had to admit, his kissing wasn't the best, and to make the experience better for herself she pretended Harry was Draco. She could almost see the shine of his white and blonde hair, she could almost smell the musky aftershave, she could feel the hot, minty breath on her lips. But then she opened her eyes for a split second. She had to dissapointment of seeing Harry. Just regular Potter. He had a square jaw, and that was about it. The rest of him was dumpy and awkward in her opinion. He then nudged her with his knee and she fell to his floor, as he towered over her, his glasses slipping off the tip of his nose.

"Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen Eve..." Harry said, as Eve's bust pushed out under the weight of being pushed to the floor, he then lifted one hand and pretened to draw through his heart. "Cross my heart..." Eve just laughed and grabbed his red and yellow Gryffindor tie, dragging him down with herself.

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