Chapter 12: The Dark Meeting

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Late into the night, Eve founderself still in the towel under the duvet, and she was freezing now, she shuddered and reached out for Draco, but the space next to her was empty, Eve sat bolt upright, her eyes trying to make out any shapes in the room, and she heard gentle voices buzzing downstairs. Eve slipped into her night gown and padded softly to the edge of the stairs, there was one sole flickering in the hall, and Draco was holding the heavy door open, as several people dressed in black came through the dark hall. Most of them appeared to be similar, but then one strange looking woman walked in. From what Eve could see, she had matted black hair that was in wrinklets, knee high boots, tights and an overall dirty appearence. She had very high cheeksbones and dar red lipstick. She pinched Draco's chin.

"Itty bitty Malfoy..." she cackled, pulling her hand away ferociously, as Draco grimaced, wiping his chin. He then looked out of the door, and saw there was no-one else, and watched the old door slam behind him. He then looked to the top of the stairs and Eve quickly hid behind the corner, her breath sounding like an alarm in the quiet of the hall. Eve slipped down a step or two, looking between the banisters to see everyone had gathered in the dining room.

"I wonder what's going on..." Eve whispered out loud to herself, slipping down some more steps so that eventually she was on all fours on the checkered marble floor of the hall. She slunk the enterance of the door. A faint light glimmered beneath the crack of the door. Eve pressed one ear up the white painted wood door.

"Now... let's start to think about to kill Potter..." A harsh whispy voice said weakly, but then one voice called over the top of it.

"No, no, we need to kill Dumbledore before we can get to Potter!" it said rather harshly, Eve felt a sicening shudder run through her. She should of thought about this before accepting Draco's..... culture, in a sense. She then heard that harsh voice again, the cold one, that was like ice.

"I think, young Draco should kill Albus, who agrees?" An uproar of voices called out his name, before Lucius shushed them all.

"Be quiet, Eve is in bed!" he exclaimed, before the cold voice chuckled lightly.

"Who is Eve, Lucius?" Draco then took over the conversation.

"She is my girlfriend, she is amazing Lord, you would love her." The cold voice laughed some more.

"I'm sure I would, tell me, has she accepted you as a Deatheater?" The room was silent, so Eve guessed he had nodded. "Good, she will soon becoming one of us then?" Draco sighed.

"I don't know m'lord, she seemed ok with it.." Eve got up and took a deep breath, she needed to find out what this was about. She gently piushed the door open, and around eighty pairs of eyes fell upon her curvy frame incased in the night gown.

"I was ok with it Draco..." Eve said, looking to a man who had the feautres of a snake who sat at the head of the table. "But your planning an attack on Dumbledore?" she asked, almost unable to speak, she was stunned. Eve took this awkward oppotunity to glance around the table, she recognised the Malfoy's, but her eyes fell upon a man with greasy black hair and hooked beak like nose. "Snape!?" she said, startled.

"Please Eve.. just calm down.." Draco said, getting up and clasping her little arms. Eve shuddered, his touch was dead and cold, there was no spark this time. The man with snake like feautres got up from the head of the table and moved around at the couples side. He held his wand in such a strange, elegant way, like he was holding a fountain pen, and even his moves were serephetine.

"You are Eve then?" he asked, Eve thought he was even uglier close up. "You must be very stunned, come at sit beside me, my dear, and we will talk you through it..." Everyone at the table was stunned by his show of consideration towards Eve, as he pulled up a chair beside himself. "In case you didn't know, I am Lord Voldermort." Eve's chest heaved up and down frantically, all of this was surreal. "I understand if you find this..."

"Unreal?" Eve panted, catching her breath. He smiled in a sickening, fake fashion.

"I see you recognise some faces from the commity tonight." Eve glared at Snape and the Malfoys, at this moment, she wanted to run out of the room and run upstairs. Eve actually tried to get up in the end, in a bold attmepty, but the serpent lord's claw like nails dug into the soft skin of her arm. "Where are we going then?" Eve felt violently, he pulled back down into the seat, cackling.

"Please, can I leave?" she asked, close to tears.

"Why would you want to do that my dear?" he asked, patronizingly. "You've only just arrived!" Eve allowed some salty tears to roll down her soft cheeks. He tutted to her fakely, scaring Eve half to death by using the pad of his dirty finger to collect a tear. "Don't cry dear... no one likes tears.." he then crazily dabbed his finger onto his tounge laughing. "But I do love the taste..." Eve shuddered, holding out for Draco who sat the other side of her. He daren't move, or Lord Voldermort would decapitate him.

"Please, please, I just want to go!" Eve cried, closing her eyes in an attempt to stop the tears.

"Now, you can go if you promise us one thing..." Eve looked up to him, her eyes glassy. "Lure Voldermort to the main tower the first day you return back to school, around 8pm." Eve sniffled, her eyelashes spiky.

"How would I do that?" she asked, as he laughed at her, viciously letting go of her arm.

"I don't know, enchant him or whatever..." Eve then stayed stone still on the chair as they all left, leaving just the Malfoys and Eve. Eve immeadinalty ran for the stairs as Draco tried to grab her wrist.

"Please Eve, just hear me out!" he said, almost in tears, not like his usual self. Eve pulled away from him aggressivley.

"I don't want to hear anything, and I'm not helping you kill Dumbledore, we're THROUGH!" Eve commanded, storming upstairs and shoving some things in her suitcase, and slipping on her converses, looking out of place in her night dress. Draco grasped her waist and glared her in the eye.

"No Eve, you can't break up with me I love you..." he wept, placing his head on her shoulder, Eve grimaced, pushing him off her.

"I hate boys who cry, get out of my way." she barged past him and tried to get to the door, but Lucius stood in her way.

"Silly girl aren't you? Curcio!" he called, the spell being sent towards Eve at lightning speed, immersing her body, causing her immense pain. "How dare you treat my son in such a manner?" Eve felt lie a million daggers were ebing plunged into her heart, she felt like she had drunk a million poisonous potions, she felt on the verge of death.

"P...Protego..." she murmered, falling to the floor gasping, Lucius own spell being rebound back to him, but he doged it as it seemed to almost evaporate without a person to target.

"Expelliarmus!" Lucius called, as Eve's wand flipped from her grasp. Te family cornered her, it was like a nightmare "Now Draco!" Lucius called, as draco rushed over, wand to hand, he saw the pleading look in Eve's eyes.

"Obliviate!" Draco called rather reluctantly, as eve's eyes closed and she fell asleep, all memeories of that day gone.

"Draco, she had forgotten about what the Lord has said to her, we might have to control her on the day." Draco nodded to his father, and carried Eve upstairs likes she was a bride, and placed her down on his bed, and began to weep openly over Eve. He loved her so much, why did the darkness have to get in the way of everything?

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