Chapter 9: Time Together

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When they'd all gotten back from thier trip to Hogsmead, Eve having been walked up the hill by Draco, they all split up to enjoy thier own afternoon how they wanted. Draco held onto Eve's wiast for quite sometime.

"Draco! I have to go with Lavender and Hermione, but you have me all night rememeber?" Draco kissed her passionatley in the corridor, and Snape walked past, watching them with a pure look if disgust on his face.

"Please Miss Lyon, Mr Malfoy..." Draco pulled away from his girlfriends lips, laughing.

"Sorry sir..." he said lightly, before returning his attention to Eve.

"Promise me your staying with me later?" Eve linked her pinky with his childishly.

"I promise." she then snogged him again before Snape came back and ran to catch up with Lavender, who had got bored of waiting and dragged Hermione away with her.

"Thanks for waiting..." Eve puffed, slowing down to a walk.

"I heard your staying with Draco tonight..." Lavender said, ramming some first years into a wall.

"Yes, for some us time." Lavender laughed loudly, so that most people looked at her.

"Sex then!" she shouted, as some boys turned around and looked at her gob shouting.

"Shut up Lavender!" Hermione commanded, bored of the noise too. Lavender soon caught sight of Ron and ran off, clearly not keeping her promise of a girly afternoon.

"Bye then!" eve called sarcastically, then she smiled. "This is a perfect time to get you and Harry together!" Hermione rubbed her arm, and shyed away.

"You heard what he said to you at Yule.. "Your The Most Beautiful Girl I've Ever Seen" " Hermione exclaimed, sighing. Eve smiled to her and they both headed up the stairs to the dorm.

"All boys say that when they go at with a girl, doesn't mean they mean it Hermione." Hermione then picked herself up, breathing in quickly, filling out her shape.

"Ok, let's do this..." Eve then gently edged her towards where Harry was sitting, alone, reading a book. Hermione moved over very stiffly, like she was made of wood, and she then allowed herself to slide down the front of the chair to sit next to him on the floor near the fire.

"Hi Harry.." she said shyly, looking into his deep green eyes.

"Hey Hermione, are you ok?" he asked, detecting her shy mood around him. Hermione took in a deep breath, as Eve hid behind the door.

"I was wondering, do you prehaps want to...." Hermione stopped, she couldn't word it right. "Go out with me?" she said, in a rambling blur.

"Sure, I'd love to!" Harry called, sounding delighted, he then kissed Hermione soflt yon the cheek as she got up, her cheeks flushing rose red. eve gently embraced her as she came through the door.

"Great! Well done Hermione!" Hermione then looked to Harry, who was looking to her from the floor.

"I'm going to sit with Harry, is that ok?" Eve smiled and nodded to her, playing with a bit of her black hair.

"Yeah, just in time aswell, have to go and see Draco, bye!" Eve shouted, in a mad rush as she ran away to the Slytherin Dorm.

 Eve edged her way though Draco's bedroom door, to find him waiting there, lying flat on his back. She had always imagined that when you had intimate times with someone in a bedroom, that they'd be waiting for you in a sumptuous pose, prehaps covering thier genetals with a rose or a pillow or something like that. But Draco was lying flat on his back, in his suit, glaring up at the ceiling.

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