6th Birthday

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Ariana gasped and shot straight out of bed. Her heart was pounding madly, and her breaths were short and quick. She knew she just had a nightmare, and it was so terrifying. But the problem is, she couldn't remember. What had it been just now?

She hugged her knees and rocked herself slowly, wanting to remember the nightmare she felt was important and trying to forget it also. After all, who wants to remember a bad dream anyway?

A cool draft of wind suddenly blew around her room through the half-open window. Suddenly, Ariana heard the faint rustling of paper and she turned her head to see the calendar. Her eyes suddenly zeroed in on one particular date that was encircled a dozen times by red ink...

Her... birthday...



Loud thumps and crashes were heard upstairs as Ariana hurried to get dressed. She quickly tugged on a light blue dress and straightened her blonde locks. She was just putting on her shoes when she saw something that made her face brighten considerably. A butterfly! And a purple one at that, a really rare color. She watched as it flew through her open window and explored her room. She sat stiff and watched it with bated breath. She waited until it touches down on her bed before scooping it up lovingly. The butterfly didn't move nor fly an inch.

Ariana smiled, butterflies always liked her best. Much like how goats have a natural affinity to her older brother, Aberforth. Albus, on the other hand, have an affinity and a real loving relationship with his pet books.

The thought made her giggle.

Her sudden movement suddenly jostled the butterfly and it flew away in a hurry. Ariana didn't hold it against it, butterflies are fragile beings after all. Just the smallest things can lead to unthinkable damage.

Suddenly, she was reminded of her nightmare.

She shook her head wildly. No, it was not the time to worry about such things. It's her birthday! She should be happy! Her family should be happy!

Speaking of her family...

She slowly opened the door and tiptoed to Aberforth's room, which is just right next to hers. She peeped in and, to her disappointment, it's empty. Pouting, she did the same to Albus' room...

Empty as well.

But instead of being sad, it only made her excitement grow. If her family is awake this early, it could mean there would be a surprise waiting for her downstairs!

With the thought in mind, she barreled down the stairs and almost tripped a few times in her haste. She reached the bottom and found the living room empty as well. Not to be discouraged, she hurried her way to the kitchen...


Ariana grinned in delight as she observed her family clad in party hats while holding balloons. She knew it.

"Shall we open your presents now?" Percival Dumbledore asked her gently and she quickly nodded. "Yes please!"

Her father laughed and ruffled her hair affectionately as he made a box with colorful wrappings appear out of thin air with a pop! She giggled when she saw that. She wouldn't stop admiring all the magic her family is doing. She couldn't wait to do it herself!

Her brothers brought out their gifts the normal way because they still could not control their magic. Speaking of magic, Ariana can vaguely remember the times when her brothers first showed that they have 'magical blood', as her father calls them. Albus first showed the signs when he was five, he made their dinner explode in excitement when he was presented, for the first time ever, a large book. Their parents had been so happy then, Albus told her. Aberforth, on the other hand, couldn't bear to... what did he say? 'Lose' to their big brother so he tried very hard to do his magic. He succeeded a month later, when he made one of his goats levitate a few inches. Their parents were overjoyed, Aberforth says. Now all that's left is her. She didn't feel the pressure though, she knew it would show itself when the time comes. So for the meantime, she contents herself in watching her family do theirs, especially the pretty lights her father does with his wand.

She sat by the table and decided to open her father's present first. She was confused when she saw a small glass ball with puffy clouds inside. She shot a questioning look to her father, who laughed lightly and said, "That, my daughter, is a Remembrall. Remembralls are things who help you find out if you forgot something. The cloud inside turns red then."

"Isn't that expensive?" Albus asked hesitantly.

"Nothing is expensive when it is for our little girl!"

"It's beautiful!" She said as she watched the clear white cloud swirl inside. It suddenly turned red like what her father said. "And I guess I just forgot something."

She was suddenly reminded of that nightmare she tried so hard to remember...

She violently shook her head. No. she would not worry about it right now!

"Everything alright Ariana?" Her mother, Kendra Dumbledore, asks worriedly.

"No, nothing's wrong mother. I'm fine!" She smiled warmly at her and looked away quickly to prevent Kendra from noticing her unease.

"My gift next!" Aberoforth grinned and shoved it in front of her. She immediately started tearing up the wrappings and revealed a HUGE box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

"That's it?" Albus raised an eyebrow.

"Well it's my allowance so why do you care? It's for Ari anyway." He scowled and Ariana hugged him before they went through a yelling match again. "Thank you Abe!"

"Here is mother's and mine Ari." Albus moved the candy away and laid a long pink box in its former place. Aberforth grunted in frustration and went to retrieve the beans.

She made a disapproving look to Albus and he shrugged. "Mine's better than his anyway."

"But we love guessing the flavors, right Abe?"

She saw Aberforth flash a smug look at Albus and he rolled his eyes, "Just open it Ari."

She grinned at them and started opening the box carefully, where it revealed a brand new toy broomstick. She and Aberforth gasped when they saw it and Albus grinned in satisfaction.

"B-But that's... where the bloody hell did you get the money?!" Aberforth cursed and Kendra Dumbledore immediately rounded on him, "Aberforth Dumbledore, don't you dare repeat those words ever again in this house! You're grounded!"

"Darn it..." Aberforth muttered so only Ariana will hear and she giggled.

"Well, if you must know, I borrowed some money from mother and she didn't mind at all."

"So it's not your present, its mother's! You didn't buy it with your allowance! And you said my gift was lame."

"Not really, I contributed some. And I didn't say lame, because I would've thought up a word better than that."

"Why you-!"

"Thanks a lot Al!" She quickly hugged her big brother before the fight got worse. Seriously, you can't leave these two alone in not more than five minutes. Albus smiled and hugged her back before releasing her just as quickly. Then, he helped her get on the broom that's floating just four inches from the ground and they watched as she sped away while laughing happily.

"Ari! Who knew you're a natural on broomsticks?" Albus complimented her.

"I can't wait to see you on the Quidditch team in Hogwarts!" Aberforth grinned and Ariana stuck her tongue out.

"Quit with the compliments, this is just four inches!"

"Now children, settle down and let's eat before the food gets any colder." Kendra said and they watched in total amazement as Ariana skillfully dived down to her chair and hopped off before she could crash.

"And she just did a dive! Are you sure this is your first time riding broomsticks?!" Aberforth demanded in bewilderment.

"Now now young man, chat's over so let's eat. We still have a lot more planned later on." Percival said and they all immediately dug in.

Not one realized that it'll be the last time they'll ever eat together again as a family...

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