16 | "You're getting red all over your face."

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Chapter 16 "You're getting red all over your face."

Laura's POV

Sitting in class, I couldn't help but recall the things that have happened on the weekend.

Calling it weird would be an understatement.

It's just no matter how much I think about it, I can't quite understand why I enjoyed it. I actually had fun. For once, I didn't think that all Ross did to annoy me was just a way to flirt. Also, the way he could play with kids was just admirable, considering that he was a player.

I guess every player has a soft side. Well, except one, who's name I don't dare to say out loud anymore.

I shook my head when I started to recall memories of one year ago.

One year ago.

It's been one year already? One year since that ex-boyfriend of mine d-

"Laura ?", I heard Lucas nudging me from beside me.

"Hmm ?", I answered absentmindedly while still looking into space.

"Laura.", he said once again and I snapped my head towards him, immediately seeing the concern in his eyes. "Are you okay ?"

I immediately nodded, not daring to voice out the topic that bothered me a few seconds ago. One year ago my friends started to be more cautious of me having a boyfriend, not that I plan on having one in near future though.

I quickly nodded and smiled reassuringly, "I'm fine."

"You didn't seem okay one minute ago.", he said in disbelief.

I shot him a big smile, that big that my cheeks started to hurt. "I'm fine, I swear. Just thought of some assignment that I still have to finish.", I lied.

He than nodded, kind of believing me, I guess. "Alright.." He than straightened in his seat when he saw that Mr. Song was looking into our direction. I looked at him amused. He's very cautious of failing classes since he wouldn't be able to play football otherwise.

The lesson continued with me trying my best to concentrate on what Mr. Song was saying.

At lunch, when we arrived to our table, I saw that Ross, Dave and another guy were sitting there already, chatting with Jordan Emma.

I sat down next to Emma, which was also in front of Ross. Lucas sat down beside me.

I glanced at Ross while I put my tray on the table and he was looking up at me, smiling.

Well, you know, I have to admit that I don't hate him that much anymore. You could say that we're not on bad terms anymore. He's actually fun to be around, at least when he's with kids.

On the other side, he's a player so having fun is one if his specialties, aside from breaking hearts. I frowned at my own thought for a second. Why the hell am I being so pessimistic ? I have to stop thinking like that. As soon as I think of something good about Ross my mind wanders to pessimistic thoughts.

I than decided to listen to what theothers were talking about.

"Saturday next week would be fine for all of us, I think.", Emma said.

"For what exactly?", Lucas and me said in unison, which caused us to look at each other before cracking a smile.

"Well, we decided that we could all hang out together at Jordan's next weekend.", Emma explained.

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