Interviewing The Devil

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Okay so let's go with the next part :) I hope you'll like it!

It was half past five when we arrived at the DEPRAC main quarters. We were all tired and worn out, but there was no way we could go to sleep now.
Inspector Barnes received us with the darkest of faces, "What the hell did you get yourself into this time?"
We were silent and he knew that we were having a hard time already so he just went on, "Okay, so we have him in an interrogation room. I know you want to talk to him, but I wouldn't recommend that."
George sighed, "And why is that?"
Barnes scratched his mustache, he seemed to be looking for the right words, as if he didn't want to hurt us, "Well... First of all because he's insulting everything that moves and also we don't know how a Type Three acts. For all we know he's just having his fun with us and the next moment will walk out of here, probably taking a few of us with him."
George shrugged," Well, we have no other choice, we have to talk to him. It's our friend. We need to try everything. "
Barnes examined us all, realizing that we wouldn't change our mind," Fine. Follow me."

After George had hit Lockwood unconscious we immediately called the DEPRAC. We didn't like them messing with our affairs, but this wasn't something you could solve by knocking Lockwood out. We needed to get that ghost out of him and we didn't have the research to do it.
The DEPRAC had the resources to deal with a Type Three and we didn't want to risk Lockwood's life just because we were too petty to get help.
Barnes lead us deep into the DEPRAC, down a few poorly lit corridors and through some iron lined doors. We finally arrived at the end of a grey hall.
Barnes massaged his forehead, "It's an observation room, so we have a room on the outside from where you can watch. It'd be better if only one would go in. It would cause way less... trouble I guess."
The other three looked at me.
"What?" I held my hands up in protest.
"Oh come on Luce, you're obviously the one to talk to him!" George took off his glasses without looking at me.
"What, why?"
"Well, because you had more contact with the ghost! You have a connection!" Holly jumped in, "He'll react to you!"
I watched them carefully, then I nodded, "Fine. But I want you to pay attention to every little move he makes. Wish me luck."
I took a deep breath and then looked at Barnes, "Let's do this."

I was amazed by the fact that although his skin was almost white, his hair a ruffled mess and he had the darkest circles under his eyes, he still somehow managed to look elegant and controlled. I mean, his eyes were saying psychopathic maniac, but his movements were saying Lockwood receiving a client.
He looked up and started smiling when I came in, "Lucy! So nice to see you again! Tell George to go fuck himself for hitting me."
I winced internally, yes, we cursed a lot on cases, but it always felt weird when Lockwood did it. But it wasn't him anyways so I didn't bother.
"What do you want?" I asked.
He sat on a chair at a table, his hands were cuffed. I sat down opposite.
He chuckled, "What do you mean?"
"What do you want so you'll get out of him?"
He chuckled again, "What do I want? Sweetheart, I don't want anything! Except probably to get out of here. For the first time in years I have a body! I mean, he is pretty skinny, look at those wrists! But still, I'm finally free!"
I felt my heart sinking in my chest,but I didn't let it show,"Fine, then  we'll have to get you out of there with painful measures."
He hesitated, then he smiled the Lockwood smile. I dug my fingernails into my arm, it seemed so wrong to see that smile on him now.
He tilted his head, "Oh, but you won't, will you? You would never hurt his precious little body, especially not you..."
I lifted my brows, "Oh really?"
He had been examining his handcuffs, then he looked up, leaned towards me and sang in a childish voice, "Lucy loves Lockwood, Lucy loves Lockwood!"
I didn't let anything show, but now anger was boiling in me, "If it helps you sleep. I'll ask you one more time: get out of him!"
He laughed, "Ah, so you do love him. Very cute. Such a pity that he doesn't love you back. As a friend, yes, but more like a sister."
My fingernails were now leaving little red marks on my pale skin. I told myself that it was just the ghost messing with me, but I still felt that stinging in my stomach. He could see into Lockwood's head and he was probably even telling the truth about that. I shook the thought off me, so what, Lockwood liked me as a sister, no big deal. But still I kept digging into my arm.
He had noticed my hesitation and kept going, "He likes skinny girls you know? Probably a self complex, I don't know. That Holly girl, he thinks she's hot with her perfect body and hair and everything."
I rolled my eyes, but it didn't show as self confident as planned, "Whatever." Lockwood nodded knowingly, "I know, I know, men are pigs. Although..." he crossed his arms, "... I have to say that Lockwood actually likes her because of her... And I can't believe that I'm saying this... Personality. He thinks she's intelligent and kind." he shrugged, "Sorry Luce, I guess he has high standards."
"That's enough!", the door had swung open behind me, George stood there.
Lockwood laughed, "Is there a problem, Cubby?"
"Lucy, we're leaving."
I sighed, "George, I can do this. It's fine."
George shook his head, "Nah, this won't help anyone. We need to go home and figure out how to exorcize a ghost. We're wasting our time here." I looked at him and suddenly felt thankful and relieved. When George had come in my fingernails had let go of my arm. Lockwood kept laughing hysterically while George dragged me out of the room and we could still hear him when we were walking down the corridor.

OK so I hope you liked it!

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