Chapter Three:

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So far it had been three days since Arian stayed with the royal family of Tragopan.

He learned quite a few things actually.

•Amos was clingy
•Amos complained a lot
•Amos wanted everything
•Amos LOVED sweets

Arian sighed heavily. He wasn't expecting his new queen to be so childish and spoiled.

The queen tried apologizing for Amos's behavior, but what could she do? Amos was a Prince and got what he wanted.

Arian walked down the paths in the garden before spotting Amos sitting among the daisies.

"Hello Amos." He greeted.

Amos looked up and gave a smug smirk. "So my fiancé decided to find me! Well here I am, what do you want?" He asked as he twirled a flower between his fingers.

Arian cringed inwardly. "I was taking a walk. Would you like to join me?" He asked him.

Amos dropped the flower from his hand and glanced up. "That requires exercise. I do not do well with it."

"Well, you could try. If you got tired we would head home." Arian suggested. He was trying to make this thing work.

Amos stood up and faced Arian. "If you are so insisting, then fine. I shall take a walk with you, Arian."

They walked down the dim lit path, only light from the sun between the trees leaves was able to peak through.

Amos looked around and got a wary look. "What if we get attacked by wolves?"

"We won't."

"What if there's a bear?"

"There's not."

"What if-"

"It's safe!"

Amos pouted. "Don't yell at me! That's my job!" He hissed and crossed his arms.

Arian sighed for the millionth time. "Fine. If there's something out here I'll protect you. Okay?"

Amos for a grin. "Right! You better." He chirped with a slight mocking tone.

Not even ten steps later there was a growl from the bushes. "Arian....!" Amos screeched and pointed to a very miffed wild dog.

"Run!" Arian grabbed Amos's wrist and tugged him down the path. They ran and ran until they couldn't hear or see the dog anymore.

Amos was panting from running and looked up at Arian. "Carry me."


"I said carry me!" Amos demanded. "I am tired and do not feel like walking any more."

Arian frowned but shrugged nonetheless. He crouched down and put his arms at an angle. "Get on."

Amos nodded and carefully got settled onto Arian's back. "Thank you."

At least he has manners. Arian thought sarcastically. "You are welcome."

They walked in silence until Arian hear the soft breathing of Amos, signaling he was asleep.

Arian paused before smiling softly. Must have tired himself out from running. He continued to walk to the palace and went inside.

He carried Amos on his back until he reached the smaller prince's room and carried him in, gently placing the boy on the bed.

When asleep Amos looked... Strangely adorable. Arian blushed at his thoughts before pulling an extra blanket over the sleeping Prince. "Goodnight... Amos..."

My Boys' A Spoiled Prince (boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now