Chapter 29

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Author's Note: Rhodium plating results in a black coating on metal. Just keep that in your mind as a visual. You'll see what I mean.


I leaned back and closed my eyes, settling into my seat by the window.

"That window seat is totally wasted on you if you're only going to sleep," Mike informed me with a chuckle and a nudge.

I opened my eyes.

"Wanna trade?"

"No," he replied, "With Joe and Dave sitting together, I get the sneaking suspicion I'm going to have to play babysitter, so I need the aisle."

I laughed and closed my eyes again.

"Could you just make sure someone wakes me up before we land in London?"

"Of course."

The warmth of sleep was barely taking hold when a loud sound startled me awake.

"Give him back!!" Joe's voice carried.

I knew what that meant. It meant Mike was right. He was going to have to play babysitter for our bandmates. Dave had had taken Joe's stuffed frog, no doubt, and wouldn't give our DJ his "security blanket" back. Mike sighed beside me, and pushed himself out of his seat.

"I'm gonna send Dave up here with you. See you when we land." I heard his footsteps go several rows back. I could still hear him scold our friends. "Are you guys eight years old? Give him the damn frog and go sit by Chester. Jeez. I'll stay here with Joe. Bunch of damn babies."

I heard Dave approach, and flop into the seat beside me.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey," I replied. He proceeded to giggle. "What?"

"I did that on purpose," he confessed, "So I could come up here and sit with you."


"Because I wanted to talk to you about yesterday," he giggled again, "I can't believe you did that!"

I knew what he was referring to and I grinned.

"Yeah, I'm excited about it too," I admitted, "Really looking forward to Christmas this year."

"Excited? That's it? We're talking about engagement rings here!"

"Shhh!!" I hushed, "What if somebody heard that?"

A familiar voice came from the seats in front of us.

"What the fuck did I just hear?" Brad said, turning around to face us as best he could.

"Dammit!" I growled under my teeth, "Thanks a lot, Dave!" I lightly punched his arm, then looked at Brad with eyes pleading for him not to kill me. "I'm sorry," I started, I was gonna talk to you about it after we got home."

"You're really gonna ask him?" Rob interjected from beside Brad, also turning around.

"I don't know, Brad. Am I?"

"What does the ring look like?" Brad asked.

"It's beautiful," Dave interrupted as I reached into my pocket for my wallet.

I pulled up the rendering given to me at the jeweler's in Milan and held it up for Brad.

He inhaled with a sound that was like a slow gasp.

"Wow," he exhaled, blinking as he looked at the picture.

"I know, right?" Dave gushed softly.

"Explain this to me," Brad requested.

"It's yellow gold at the top. 18K."

"Not 24K?" Brad grilled me.

"18K is more durable," I told him, It'll hold up better, given everything Mike does with his hands." Brad nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "The bottom is a rhodium plated channel with five stones. Diamond, amethyst, diamond, aquamarine, diamond."

"Birthstones. That's nice," Brad nodded again.

"And the channel with the stones will sit over his tattoo," I added, hoping to gain further approval.

Brad exhaled.

"Wow. That's beautiful, Chaz," Rob told me with a smile.

"I'm blown away," Brad finally said, causing me to exhale a breath I didn't realize I was holding, "And you want to ask him at Christmas?"

"Yes," I affirmed, making sure to look at all of them, "So all of you need to, please, keep your big mouths shut."

"You need to talk to his parents," Brad added.

"That's my first move when we're back in L.A.," I told Brad, "After all, the ring is being sent to their house." I looked at him, nervous about his reaction.

He nodded firmly.

"All right," he finally said, "I care about both of you, but I'm Mike's oldest friend." He looked back at me. "You understand why I have to give you the third degree, right?" I nodded. "Thank you." His previously stern expression broke into a huge grin. "I approve."

I exhaled my held breath again and grinned.

"Thanks. Having your blessing means a lot. To both of us, even though he doesn't know it yet."

"Brutal honesty," Brad began, "I've never seen him this happy. Ever. In the entire time I've known him. And I definitely approve of that."

"We all do," Rob added, "And we're glad you're happy, too."

"Exactly," Dave agreed as Brad nodded.

"So," I said, drawing out the word, "Can I count on all of you blabbermouths to keep this a secret for three and a half months?"

Rob nodded. I knew he could be trusted without him saying it.

"I promise," Dave swore, holding up his hand as if he were testifying in court as a witness.

I looked at Brad.

"What about you, King of Secret Spilling?"

He laughed.

"If it was anything else on earth, I would probably not be able to guarantee the zipping of my lips. But this? I'll cut out my tongue with one of Joe's comic books before I spill this."

"Good enough for me," I told him.

Brad's face broke into another grin.

"This is amazing! I cannot wait to plan the wedding!"

"Oh my God you're right!" Dave agreed, "It's gonna be so much fun!"

"It could really be epic," Rob chimed in.

"I can't wait, either," I gushed, then pausing. "We all sound like thirteen year old girls right now."

A few moments of silence passed as we all looked at each other.

"I don't care!" Brad exclaimed, breaking the silence, "This is so great!"

We all attempted to stifle our laughter so as not to be too loud, but it was basically a failure.

"So," I started again, "Do you think he'll say yes?" I glanced at my friends nervously.

"If he doesn't," Brad replied, "I'll gouge his eyes out with guitar picks."

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