Chapter 73

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Author's Note: I have a question for you guys. How long should this be drawn out? When, if at all, would you like a slash chapter in the future to re-consummate their relationship? If you don't want to comment, my private messages are open on here and everywhere else. Thanks for your input and feedback; you guys are the best.


I got back from the gym and went inside the house. Something felt... strange. Does that make sense? Like, you can just feel that something is not the way it should be? That's how it felt. I dropped my gym bag on the floor and began cautiously looking around the house. I don't know what I expected to find, but I didn't enjoy the sensation.

I was about to head upstairs when I saw it. The door to the master bedroom. It was open. Just a crack, but open. I peeked through the tiny sliver of space and saw Mike, curled up on the bed. My heart lurched. It was clear that our "starting over" was hurting him.

I quietly opened the door enough for me to get into the room and tiptoed my way to the bed before sitting on my side of it.

"Whatcha doin' in here?" I asked as my weight sank into the mattress.

"I don't really know," he replied with a sigh.

"Anything I can do?" I offered. He sighed again.

"I don't know why I'm like this." He looked at me. "I love you. I love you more now than I ever thought I could." He paused. "But I'm just selfish and I want everything we had back. Like, immediately. I'm supposed to be enjoying this. Getting to know you again. Falling in love with you again." He sat up and propped himself against the headboard. "But I don't know if I am."

"What do you mean?" My brows furrowed, and my heartbeat picked up. Whether it was anxiety or anger, I didn't know yet. What he said next would determine that.

"When I kissed you last night," he put his hands over his face and groaned in frustration, "It killed me to walk away." Okay, so neither anxiety nor anger.

"What did you want?" I asked out of curiosity. All the color left his face and his eyes looked everywhere but at me. "It's okay. You can tell me." He hesitated. Took a deep breath. Closed his eyes.

"I wanted to pull you in here and kiss every inch of your naked body." A giggle escaped me before I could stop it. "It's NOT funny, Chester!"

"I didn't mean to laugh. I'm sorry. But, I think I have it figured out, and it's so damn cute, I couldn't help it."

"Cute? Figured out? Just tell me," he groaned.

"It's lust," I said with another giggle.


"Oh, come on! Don't even pretend that you're above lust like some sort of superior being," I rolled my eyes a little, "It's a normal human thing. Besides, I'm flattered."

"You are?"

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I proceeded to lay on a dramatic tone for the sake of comedy. "I am the object of your desire!" We both laughed. "And, don't you think I want you too?"

He had the audacity to look genuinely surprised when I said that.


"Seriously, Mike. Are you fucking kidding me? Being deprived of all of this handsomeness for months, and then coming home to this sexy new beard?" I brushed a finger over his jawline.

"You like it?" he asked nervously.

"I love it," I replied, a shiver of anticipation running through me, "I can't wait to feel it on my skin." His face flushed a little pink.

"It's getting a little warm in here," he said with a chuckle. I replied with one of my own.

"Makes me want to take off my shirt," I mused with a giggle.

"Ooo! And show me all those sexy muscles."

"You noticed?" I felt myself become self-conscious and blushy in an instant.

"Of course I noticed."

I decided to tease him.

"So, you want me because I'm pretty?" I tried to stifle a laugh but failed. He laughed too.

"You are pretty," he admitted, "But that's just a bonus. I like what's in here." He lightly jabbed the spot over my heart.

"Do you mean my heart or my pecs?" I giggled.

"Your heart," he sighed.

I refused to accept his sentimentality and dove headfirst into provoking him. But in the good way.

"And which one are you thinking about when you're jacking off in the shower?" He froze completely solid except for his eyes, which he directed at me. I wasn't sure if he was mortified or pissed.

"What." It was flat at the end like a statement.

"Oh come on, Mike. I can hear you."

"What?!" he turned a shade of red I wasn't sure I'd ever seen before and I still couldn't tell if he was angry or embarrassed.

"Oh, don't be so scandalized," I lightly scolded, "It's not like I've never heard you orgasm before. Or seen it. Or caused it."

"I suppose," he said sheepishly, finally giving me a clue that signified embarrassment.

"Have I caused any lately?" I asked with a smirk.

"You cause all of them," he blurted before laughing. "Do I cause yours?"

"All the time."

"Good," he smiled, "Because I can hear you too."

"I know," I grinned, "I try to be loud on purpose."

A light, playful swat of the back of his hand met my bicep as he gasped.

"You tease! That's terrible!" he paused. "And hot." We both laughed. He sighed, and looked at me again, far more serious. "I'm sorry I've been so... mopey and dramatic about this."

"It's okay," I said, slipping my hand into his, "Unconsummated lust can suck. And hurt. I promise that we'll get this part of our relationship back."

"As long as we're both ready," he added. "Are you ready?"

"I... to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure."

"Anything that isn't 'yes' means 'no'," Mike squeezed my hand, "So we'll wait. You waited for me last time."

"I did," I nodded, remembering, "And it was worth the wait."

"It'll be worth it this time, too." He brought my hand to his lips and gently kissed my fingers. "Hey Chaz?"

"Yeah, Mikey?"

"Don't stop being loud on purpose." 

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