Chapter 31

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Author's Note: My spin on an actual event.


We made it back to the States without any further incidents, thank God. And we promptly started touring with Ozzfest. I was so fucking excited. It's fucking Ozzfest! The only downside was back in the States also meant back on the bus, and nights apart from my Mikey.

We were rolling into Boston after such a night. I opened my eyes, and did NOT feel well. Kinda dizzy. Warm, but cold at the same time. This spot on my ass hurt like it was bruised. I sat up and groaned as the world spun around me.

"What's the matter, Chester?" I heard Joe ask.

"I... I don't know," I replied, "I feel like shit."

Mike was immediately in front of my bunk as if he'd teleported there.

"What's wrong?" his voice full of worry.

"I feel weird," I said, putting my head in my hands, "Dizzy. Warm, but chills. And this weird pain on my ass. Like a bruise."

Mike sat next to me on the mattress and put the back of his hand on my forehead.

"Ches, you're burning up. You have a fever."

"Well that explains everything but the pain," I sighed.

"Show me," he said gently.

He helped me up and out of my bunk and I slid the elastic of my boxers down until I heard him gasp.

"What?" I said, now a little scared.

"You have a huge purple welt on your ass!"

"What?! How the hell did that happen?"

I heard Rob interject.

"That looks like a spider bite."

"Oh for fucks sake," I groaned. I didn't need this.

"We should get you to the hospital," Mike suggested.

"We are gonna do no such fucking thing," I replied, "I'll be fine."

"You are anything but fine, Chester," Dave informed me.

"I am not going to a hospital!" I argued, "It'll take all damn day and we'll have to cancel the show and I won't do that!" I glowered at my boyfriend and my bandmates to show them I meant what I said.

"You could be poisoned!" Mike shot back.

"I already am, I guess; so what's the difference?" Mike took a deep breath. "Just get me some aspirin and I'll sleep it off at the hotel. No big deal."

"No big deal? What if it's lethal?" he questioned.

"Then I'd all ready be dead," I responded with a steadying breath as a wave of dizziness rippled through me. I felt Mike's glare. I glared back. "Show. Aspirin. Sleep."

He sighed hard.

"I'm against this," he informed me, "But I won't hear the end of it for the rest of my life if we cancel. So, fine. You get your way."

"Fine," I agreed, slowly pulling on my jeans. As if by magic, Joe was handing me a bottle of aspirin when I looked up. "Thanks," I mumbled as I plucked it from his hand.

"Please be careful," he advised.

"I will," I said softly.

Mike carried my bag despite my intense protesting. Secretly, I was glad. I was actually feeling fairly weak, but I wasn't about to let anyone know that. Not after I fought so hard to get what I wanted.

When we got up to the room, I did exactly as I said. I took a dose of aspirin, and curled up on the second bed. I let the dizziness have its way with me and I listened to Mike putter around the room. He unpacked all his shower stuff, then mine. So sweet. I heard the book he kept in his bag rustle and his body flop on the other bed. I didn't know if he was mad at me or if he didn't want to disturb me. I was still questioning as I slipped into sleep.

"Chaz," Mike said my nickname, shaking me, "Wake up." My eyes fluttered open and I looked up at him. He still looked worried. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know yet," I replied as Mike put his hand on my forehead again.

"Still warm," he informed me. "I all ready know what you're gonna say," he continued with a sigh, "And don't get mad. But, are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Very," I assured him as I slowly sat up. Less dizzy.

"I figured," Mike sighed again, "So I woke you up to give you time to change and stuff if you wanted." I smiled.

"So thoughtful."

"I'm still against this."

"Your opinion is noted, love."

I changed and downed a couple more aspirin as Mike sighed the entire time.

"It'll be quick," I told him, "And then you can gripe at me all you want. Ok?"

"I don't want to gripe at you," he said, "I want to take care of you."

My all ready melty insides simply liquified.

"You don't have to do that," I assured him.

He tilted his head and his expression told me that I should know better. He stepped towards me and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"You are so warm," he sighed.

"I know, I know. You're against this."

"Come on," he said, slipping his arm around my waist as if he thought he could hold me up, "If we're gonna do this, then let's go."

It was a tough show, but a good one. It took every bit of energy I had, though. I thought Mike might actually have to hold me up this time. When we got back to our room, I simply sat at the edge of the bed, too exhausted and weak to take any other action. I held my spinning head in my hands and vaguely heard Mike moving around. I don't know how much time went by. Not a lot. But I felt him nudge me. I groaned in response.

"Take these," he ordered gently. I opened my eyes to find him holding out a glass of water and a dose of aspirin. I took both items from him and downed them both. "Come on," he offered his arm. I made a questioning sound because words were currently not my friend. "I drew you a bath," he replied.

All I could do was look at him and try to look as grateful and humble as possible. He guided me into the bathroom, and gathered up my clothes as I slowly peeled them off. I eased myself into the water. It was perfect. Not hot enough to make my fever worse and not cold enough to make me shiver. He reappeared after dealing with my clothes, and sat on the edge of the tub near me.

I looked up at him with loving but exhausted eyes.

"Are you just gonna sit there?" I asked in a whisper.

"Yep," He nodded, "Gotta make sure you don't fall asleep and drown."

I lifted my hand out if the water and secured it around his. He squeezed.

We stayed like that as I lay in the tub, the water both sucking the heat out of me and rinsing off the sweat. I eventually found enough energy to toss some of the water at my face, feeling the benefits as the drops trickled away. Eventually, my eyes did start to get heavy and I was having trouble keeping them open.

"All right. Come on," Mike said, using the hand he was holding to help me stand, and get out of the bathtub. He wrapped me in a towel and pulled the drain to empty the water. I dried off, feeling much more myself. A fevered, exhausted version myself. But still. He brought me a pair of boxers, and after I'd put them on, he led me to the bed and did everything but tuck me in. I felt like a kid, being taken care of this way. I was a little embarrassed. "I'm gonna go shower really fast," he told me as he was peeling off his own sweaty clothes, "Will you be all right?"

I nodded and settled under the bedcovers. I barely heard the water start running before I was asleep.

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