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"Gabe! What should I wear!" I whine, throwing myself defeatedly onto the bed. He stood in the midst of my clothes, lifting random articles of clothing and surveying them. He has been such great help; note the sarcasm.

"Umm.. Jeans and a shirt" he suggests, in a 'duh' tone. Of course! I shoot upwards into seating position, looking awestruck at the boy before me.

"You're a genius Gabe, I could kiss you!" I exclaim. I waste no time, flinging clothes everywhere till I had the outfit in my hands. A black suede skirt that ends just above my knee's and an off the shoulder tan top.

Gabe's brows furrowed, "a more boujier version of my suggestion."

I rip the price tags off both items since I have yet to have worn them. "But you sparked the idea" I credit.

It's probably odd that I have Gabe over to help me get ready for my date with Sean. He graciously offered to assist me after I complained about it to him. Also, the girl don't know about "us" yet. I kinda want it to be just my thing right now. As selfish as that sounds.

I have thirty minutes before I'm on time for our date so about forty minutes to get dressed and show up fashionably late. Gabe, unfortunately, had to leave to go with some guys to an escape house so I was left to be anxious by myself.


I rub my clammy palms against my suede skirt for, what felt like, the millionth time. My nerves were eating my insides and I have butterflies attacking my stomach. 'He's just a guy!' I kept repeating to nurse my anxiety but nothing helped.

I watched as Sean impatiently drummed his fingers on the table before him.

I'm late. Almost 30 minutes. But I arrived at the diner fifteen minutes ago. I can't bring myself to go inside. I've just been watching Sean from my car.

I flinch, startled by the sound of my phone ringing. Gabe's contact flashes on my screen. I slide my finger across the screen, picking up his call.

"Please tell me you went inside" he greets, leaving out formalities.

"No..." I sheepishly drag, almost ashamed.

"Bailey! The poor dude probably thinks he got stood up!"

"I know! I know! Trust me!" I defend, reclining my seat, "I just-- I'm nervous as fuck Gabe!"

"It's normal but once you're inside-- the hard parts done!"

"I can't walk, my legs feel like jelly" I whine, pulling down the car visor to check my makeup. I hear him smack his lips, causing my to curse him mentally.

"First... just get out the car. No whining, arguing. nothing!" He insists. You can do this! Come on! I place the call on speaker and will myself to grab my side bag, pushing up the car door. "How are we doing?" Gabe's voice booms from the speaker.

"I'm out the car."

"Now walk" he deadpans, no pep talk-- nothing.

I drag my feet to the entrance, not taking my eyes off Sean's booth in the back. Thankfully I'm walking from a direction that wasn't in his line of sight. "Are you inside?" I jump a little, forgetting that punk was still on the line.

"I can take it from here."

"Woah there, the student becomes the master" he laughs, "Ok Sok, you got this!".

"Yeah yeah" I sass, a smile slowly forming on my face. "Bye Gabe, thanks for everything" I say sincerely. "Save it for your wedding vows" he sings, hanging up quickly before I could scold him.

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