The Prince's Adventure.

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Mastueo Castle
August 14, 2017. 
24:32 AM

It was starting to get a bit darker in his lonely room. He stood up all night thinking. And here's the catch. He never thought.

He thought about what good comebacks he could've made back there but his head was filled with none. Surprised? Indeed his was. No one dare ever raise their voice at him or lay a finger on him unless it was to design his clothes. Mostly importantly what had surprised him more is that he would think about her. She'd just turn out to be another fan girl. He believed. I bet that little bad girl thing was just an act. I could probably get her to fall for me in day. He thought.

He ended up wanting to try to prove his theory right. Keyword: try. He disguised himself as he planned to leave the castle. It will be quick. He thought. He knew how to escape from his room without being caught so he did. He locked the door to his room before throwing out a long rope made by bedsheets being tied together out of his window. While he tied the other end to his bed. He slid down them as he went to go meet up with his beautiful black horse.

He ended up taking a shortcut through the woods which his brother once taught him when their father was still king. He made it in no time without getting caught. He sent the horse to wait for him by a tree as he fled into the village.
Matsueo Village
Hyuga Bakery
24:55 AM

She was out bright and really early on the way to the place she called home. It was beautiful around this time of night where the Luna as her mother used to call it reflected onto the waterfall and the water drops would look like beautiful little stars coming down onto the earth.

She had packed a picnic incase she had gotten hungry. As she closed the door silently to the shop, she bumped her back into someone.

"Going somewhere?" He said removing his hoodie.

She stared at him with cold eyes.

"What's wrong? Falling for me already?" He smiled thinking he just proved his theory was true.

"Yeah right. Besides what's it matter to you where am I going? Shouldn't you be in your little castle getting pampered? What will they do when they find out Prince Charming is gone?"

"So you think I'm charming?" He stated completely ignoring everything she had just said.

This guy! She shook her head. Suddenly she heard a group of girls talking. Immediately she grabbed the prince's mouth to shut him up as he was about to speak again. She hid with him behind a couple of trash bins at the side of the bakery. Once she saw the girls were completely out of view she felt something liquidity drain off her fingers. It was blood coming out from his nose. Realizing the position they were in she released him and wiped it off on her apron.

"Why did we hide?" He asked completely ignoring what just happened.

"If girls saw you right now they would cause such a ruckus and I don't want my parents waking up only to realize I'm gone." She said as she continued walking without him.

"Wait up." He said in annoyance.

"Why are you following me? Don't you have some servants to go boss around?" She said as she took a path into the forest.

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