The Prince's Fiancée.

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Mastueo Castle
August 30th, 2017
12:15 PM

A small white carriage with pink Sakura petals had pulled up outside of the Mastueo Castle. Sure, she could've used a limo but she liked things the old fashioned way. A man had stepped out of the carriage and threw a red carpet onto the ground. He then stuck his hand out for a beautiful princess with short pink hair and in a pink kimono to walk out. All the maids and servants of the Matsueo Castle aligned on each sides of the steps that lead into the castle as they bowed before her. She held a small fan to her face as you were only allowed to see those piercing emerald eyes of hers. As her and her assistant arrived to the top of castle, they were greeted by unhappy guards.

"State your purpose." The guard said blocking the door.

"How dare you not know who my lady and mistress is?" Her assistant said persistently.

She held out a hand in front of him as the other still grasped onto the fan that was covering the rest of her face.

"Now, Now, Sasori. Can't blame them for doing their job. I am Princess Haruno, Sakura of the Himeji Castle. I came here to marry your soon-to-be King, Uchiha, Sasuke. If you don't believe me here is the symbol of the Himeji." She said as she removed her bangs from her face revealing a small black diamond on her forehead.

"We're sorry, please come in." The guards said removing themselves from the door as they held it open for her.

As she walked past the doors, the king's assistant began to tour her around the castle until everything had almost went into slow motion once the pink-haired princess passed a certain moonlight-colored-haired village girl. Not once making eye contact. Then everything had resumed to normal.

"If you keep walking straight down, you shall find Prince Sasuke in his office." The assistant bowed as she left them alone.

The Princess knocked on the door until she heard a "Come in."

Inside was the prince working on his laptop. He fixed his glasses and sighed as he saw her appear at the doorway. He took his glasses off and looked her up and down. In a way he had to admit she did look a bit more attractive from when they were younger but she was definitely lacking curves in the places she needed them most. She wouldn't even be useful for entertainment. He scoffed as he closed his laptop.

She lowered her fan from her face and revealed all of it. "Sasuke-kun!" She immediately hugged him. "Haruno, please I'm trying to do some work. What do you need?" He asked as he made her release him.

"Well I'm sure you heard about our arrangement and I just wanted you to know that I'm very happy and excited it's with you." She smiled as she sat next to him.

"I wish I could say the same." He snickered.

"What do you mean?" She smiled confusedly.

"I never agreed to this stupid marriage. Besides Haruno, I bet you can't even satisfy me in bed. I mean look at you. You have the body of an 8 year old boy." He smirked at her as he lifted her arm up by her wrist only to have it dropped down again.

"Your wrong, Sasuke-kun.I'm not the same-" She said before she was interrupted by a ruckus outside.

"H-Hinata!" A boy's voice called outside of his office which immediately raised the prince from the desk he sat on top of and made him walk into the hallway.

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