His House

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As you walk up to the front gates of his house (or more like mansion!) you can't help but think why he doesn't go to a private school, or one that's much less rough. Anyway, time to put those thoughts away, you think, and you knock on the door.

"Luke!" You hear a man's voice call as someone that most definitely isn't Luke. "Your friend is here!" A friendly looking man opens the door. You're assuming he's Luke's dad.

"Hello. I'm Y/N. Luke's expecting me, right?"

"Yes yes of course he is, Luke! Come down!" He shouts up the stairs. "I'm Luke's dad by the way." He says, in a friendly tone. Just on cue Luke runs down the stairs, wearing a Nirvana t shirt, black skinny jeans and black socks. Wow. You think. How is he even bullied?

"I love this house, Mr Hemmings." You're trying to be extremely polite; first impressions are always good.

"Thanks, Y/N." He says, like he's interested. "Well you two go do whatever you need to do." He laughs as we stand there awkwardly.

"We've got biology homework to do, Dad." Luke says, blushing.

"If you say so. I'll just be downstairs if you need me. Lovely to meet you Y/N!"

"You too!" You call down the stairs as Luke leads you up to his room.

He swings open the door and you see something you were sort of half expecting, but not, at the same time. There are 5 guitars in all, a microphone, a laptop and those recording headphones you can get. "Wow, I didn't know you were so into music?!" You say, kindly.

"Yea it's kinda my thing," he replies, sweetly.

"I would love to be able to play the guitar," you whisper, loudly but still a whisper, and lift your head up and look him in the eyes. Fuck, he has gorgeous eyes, you think.

"I'll teach you sometime if you like?" He offers, and looks at you, for a little normal than longer.

"Yes please!" You reply, politely.

"So, this biology homework?" He changes the subject, it's not subtle but it's cute and you can tell he's uncomfortable but you want to relax him, he seems awkward but cute, really cute, like really REALLY cute.

"Yea, what you have to do is..." You explain the homework and he listens, intently, like he's really interested to what you're saying. After you've finished explaining the project he jumps up and says,

"I'll just go and get a piece of card for te poster ok?"

"OK," you reply. He pokes his head round the door,

"Oh and do you want a drink? Coke? Water?"

"Um I'll just have a glass of water if that's OK?"

"Yeah OK," He walks out of the room, looking a bit more confident, and right now, in this moment you're so happy, and you think, maybe I do really like him? But your feelings are cut short buy Luke's dad opening the door and saying,

"Have you seen Luke?"

"Um, he just went to get some card and drinks," You reply politely and with a smile.

"OK, thanks, Y/N!" He closes the door and you're left on your own again. Seconds after he leaves your hear Luke outside the door saying,

"Y/N! Can you get the door please?" You stand up and awkwardly find your way through all his stuff, and open the door, finding Luke with a huge piece of card, 2 glasses of water and a bag of doughnuts. "I brought doughnuts too cause why not?" He says, carelessly.

"You know, Luke, you've become so much more relaxed at home, I really like it, we should hang out more."

"Yeah, actually I was going to ask you, um, so do you want me to teach you guitar or we could go to Starbucks or for a picnic or a walk or-"

"Oh yeah, how about a picnic? I'd love to. How about Sunday?" You ask cause this is what you want and you're not holding anything back.

"Sunday's great. Back to biology?" He giggles and you do too. As you work on the project your hands meet a few times, while reaching for the pencils or both trying to write on the same part. After hours of talking and biology homework you look at your watch.

"Shit, Luke, I have to go, it's 10:30 and I told my mum I'd be back at 10, I have to go..."

"That's OK, Y/N, I'll show you downstairs." You walk down the wide staircase next to each other and see Luke's Dad,

"Thanks for having me Mr Hemmings."

"Oh please, call me David." He looks up for his newspaper and lowers his glasses. "It was a pleasure Y/N, hope to see you soon."

"You too." Luke leads you to the door.

"Bye, Luke, see you Sunday, I'll be at yours at 1 if that's OK and I'll bring a picnic blanket."

"Bye, Y/N, and OK! See you Sunday. I'll text you!" He shuts the door and you literally feel you chest explode. You've never felt better in your life and you just want to scream to world how happy you are, there are butterflies in your tummy but they're good butterflies, estactic butterflies. As you go to get your bike from outside the window you here Luke's Dad say,

"You like her? Right?"

"Maybe," he replies and blushes and goes up the stairs. You just want to cry with happiness, you can't explain the feeling of cycling down an empty road, with the wind in your hair, and loving someone so much you just want to scream and scream and scream.


yaaaaaay finally a longer chapter!!! lol like no one's reading this but mainly i'm just writing it cause i enjoy writing :)

love y'all soooo much x

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