new text message!

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new text message!
1] youngmin: hyemi...
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hyemi baby

stop calling me baby youngmin
who the fuck are you to call me baby

jung hyemi.


baby im sorry

what the fuck did i say?
stop calling me baby.
im never yours to call me baby.

hyemi, you serious right now?

yes, im fucking serious.

i have so much things to say right now.

then say it.

i wont.


we cant possibly talk through text.
this is stupid.

like you |
lik |
i know.
but i dont want to meet you right now.
if you cant tell, im still pretty mad.

im coming over.

fuck off, im youngmin.

we need to talk.

theres nothing to talk about.

there is. a lot.

fine. just five minutes and im kicking you out.
[ seen ]

inbox [1]:
1] daniel: hyemi?
click here to read more.


it's been weeks.
two weeks.
we havent talked.
im really sorry.
fuck i messed this one up.
i have so many things bothering me.
you cant possibly leave me now.


oh my god you answeedred im sor hapltsm

daniel, are you okay?

yes i am.
just got—
too excited.

daniel, let's meet.

oh my fucking god are you serious?

yes, yes i am.
i realized that we cant possibly let things end.
and i really want to hear your explanation.

i will explain everything, i promise.
from a to z.
[ seen ]

[ 10:48 PM ]

'youngmin sent you a message' hyemi read from her phone. she sighs, unlocking her phone, then looking at his text.

'meet me at the park, i cant seem to get pass the security,' the text message read. hyemi groans, it was almost 11 and she had to get her beauty sleep for school the next day.

she rolls her eyes, putting on her favourite comfy grey jacket, she puts on her slip on shoes and headed for the park.

the moment she arrived, a tall figure caught her attention. it was none other than im youngmin. hyemi sighs and walks closer to him, hands in her pocket, she softly asks, "what do you want?"

youngmin turns around to look at her, smirking, "hyemi, baby—" he tried to place his hand on her cheek but hyemi interrupts his sentence and smacks his hand away. she lets out a loud 'tsk'.

"— i told you not to call me baby," she was serious. youngmin lets out a scoff, putting his hands at the pocket of the back of his jeans, he grits his teeth.

"jesus christ, hyemi!" youngmin raises his voice, annoyed, obviously. hyemi raised her brows, thinking, 'dafuq is wrong with this bitch?'

"are you serious? dont come up to me with all that 'dont call me baby' bullshit!" youngmin cries out, effortlessly laughing.

hyemi was confused, "what is your problem?" she asks, annoyed at youngmin. he groans. "you, jung hyemi. you're the fucking problem," he adds on.

he kicks a pebble on the sidewalk, turning and turning around, not knowing how to face hyemi. "we've been talking and seeing each other for months and im only a friend to you?!" youngmin laughs, finally, stopping at his track, looking into hyemi's eyes.

hyemi lets out a soft laugh, "im sorry, what?" she was still confused and needed time to process this entire situation.

"that's right, jung hyemi. you've heard it right. i love you, okay! i fucking love you, jung hyemi! do you need me to scream it out loud right here? because i will!" youngmin confesses.

hyemi stood there in shock, frozen, in her own tracks. she couldnt even utter a single thing, it felt like as if someone zapped her with an ice gun and made her freeze in time.

"jesus christ, hyemi, dont leave me hanging, say something!" he raises his voice, clearly stressed.

all hyemi did was shake her head. "th - this cant be possible. this is stupid, youngmin ah!" she steps back, almost yelling.

"i - i'm sorry—" hyemi spoke, youngmin groans, he lets out a huge act. "— for fucks sakes, hyemi! is this why you arent accepting me? is - is it because y- you—" youngmin hesitates.

"y- you have feelings for daniel?" he continues. hyemi's eyes widened, her fists suddenly tightened.

"daniel has got nothing to do with this, youngmin," hyemi tried to defend herself, to change the topic.

"just admit it, hyemi. you're in love with kang daniel, the guy you fucking met on tinder! like how im in love with you, a girl i met on tinder too," youngmin spoke.

"and you know what's the difference between you and i, hyemi?" he exclaims, moving closer to her. hyemi gulps, frightened.

"the difference is that you actually got a shot with daniel, and meanwhile im helplessly fucking in love with someone who doesnt even love me back," youngmin lets out a soft scoff, before walking away, leaving hyemi all alone in the park.

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