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"he comes back to feed his cats, right?" kenta questioned, hyemi nods. "then i suggest an idea, we just stay in his apartment till he comes back!" he suggested, hyemi just aimlessly nods. ever since she found out that daniel's phone is no longer in reach, she couldnt really function properly.

everytime someone asked her something, one thing goes in one ear and comes out the next. she couldnt think properly either. all these thoughts came into her head where was he? why did he block her? why was his phone no longer in service? is he okay?

hyemi was back at her dorm with kenta. she sat on her chair, yuki was apparently with her. with yuki sleeping in her arms, hyemi continuously caressed it's body while it purred itself to sleep. "hyemi, you okay?" kenta sighed as he asked the poor girl.

this time, she shake her head, no, she wasnt okay. seconds later, the door opened and it revealed her roommate, seolmi. "oh shit, who are you?" seolmi questioned kenta's presence. she got into the room and slammed the door shut. "i'm kenta! hyemi and i met on tinder!" kenta excitedly told seolmi.

seolmi laughed to herself before looking down at her roommate with a cat in her hands. "oh shit! is that a cat? jesus, hyemi, i told you i was a dog person!" seolmi groaned while looking at the cat in awe.

"yeah, i know, i told daniel that once," hyemi whispered to herself. "what's its' name? hey! doesnt it kinda reminds you of daniel?" seolmi quickly changed the topic after asking for the name, she squealed because it really did remind her of daniel. kenta let out a soft, 'oh, shit,' in that 'this is the wrong timing,' tone.

kenta whispered over to seolmi, trying to get her attention. eventually she did, kenta gave her that 'shut up' look. "o-oh, is this yuki?" seolmi asked, hyemi nods. and then she awkwardly exits herself from the situation. there was a moment of silence, "hyemi? hyemi!" kenta snapped his fingers right in front of her face.

eventually, she snapped out of her reverie. "oh?" she uttered under her breath. "so what do you say? let's just stay over his apartment till he comes back," kenta brought up his suggestion. hyemi shrugged, "sure, we'll give it a try," she sighed to herself before picking up her bag and leaving the dorm with kenta and yuki in her hands.

she was just about to leave her university when someone bumped into her. she didnt even bother to look, but that someone did. "hey, watch where you're going," the man groaned, she slowly looked up, only to be greeted by youngmin.

he was wearing his red flannel and black ripped jeans, his black hair changed to brown. hyemi's eyes widened, it was like a whole different youngmin. "o-oh, hyemi? where are you going?" youngmin's tone immediately changed the moment he found out that it was hyemi that he bumped into.

hyemi couldnt even speak because she was still speechless at his new hair colour. "oh- this?" youngmin pointed to his hair, "i decided to try something new," he shrugged. "you like it?" he asked hyemi, she nods her head, "it suits you," she lets out a small chuckle.

"so where are you going?" he changed the topic. kenta grabbed hyemi's arm, "we have no time, he's going to come back," kenta whispered to her, which youngmin eventually heard. "he? are you going to daniel's apartment?" he grinned to himself, letting out a cocky chuckle.

"hyemi, i told you he doesnt --" youngmin was about to finish his sentence but she cut him off. "i know, he doesnt love me, but i need to hear it from him, okay? just-- have a great day, youngmin," she retaliated which left youngmin speechless.

three hours later, it was thirty minutes past eight. kenta was switching through the channels of daniel's tv, hyemi was just sitting on the couch, shaking her legs, she was waiting for daniel to just burst through that door. yuki was playing with the other cats.

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