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[ skip to 0:21 ]

kang daniel

im fucking youngmin.
meet me at the park in 10,
and if your stupid ass doesnt show up,
your sorry ass would be dead, wishing
that you could see the sunlight again.
[ sent 11:32 ]
[ read 11:35 ]

youngmin waits for daniel to arrive, he sighs, putting another cigarette in between his teeth. it reminded him of hyemi.

'you know how bad that shit is?' hyemi giggles, looking up at youngmin.

youngmin shrugs. 'i dont smoke, hyemi. it's for acting purposes,' he laughs, putting his hands into his pocket.

hyemi slaps the cigarette out of his hands. "next time i see your stupid ass making another excuse again, i will never talk to you again," she giggles.

youngmin eyed her down, laughing, happy that he met the girl.

'fuck it' he thought. and he lights up the cigarette, puffing the smoke that's coming out from his mouth.

minutes after smoking and staring into empty space, youngmin hears his name being yelled from afar. he turns around, to be greeted by a very angry daniel.

"yah im youngmin!" daniel hisses at him, fists tight. youngmin closed his eyes, prepared for a beating. he breaths in.

and he was right, daniel's fists met his face, youngmin falls to the floor. "jesus christ, since when did you get stronger?" he laughs, trying to stand up.

daniel scoffs, he grabs youngmin by his collar and pushes him up against the pole. "you bastard," daniel says, gritting his teeth.

youngmin raises his eyebrow, "what is the prob—" daniel cuts him off. "you know damn well what's the problem, you're running around, telling hyemi that she doesnt fucking deserve me?!" he scoffs, showing off his busan accent.

"she doesnt deserve a man who has no goals, no career, a loser who slacks at home with his cats?!" daniel sarcastically laughs, gripping his collar tight.

youngmin tried to say something, "i - i can expl—" but daniel cuts him off again and this time, puts more pressure on pinning him against the wall.

"you wanna die?" daniel whispers, close enough to his face. youngmin gulps. "i swear to god if hyemi didnt tell me not to beat you up, you wouldnt even fucking make it to see tomorrow's daylight," daniel hisses.

daniel eventually let youngmin go. youngmin falls to the floor, choking, touching his throat and neck. "jesus christ, i almost fucking died!" said youngmin.

youngmin coughs, on the floor he lays, staring at daniel. "are you done beating me up?" he asks. daniel laughs, "i want to rip you into pieces and tear your insides apart right now," he says.

youngmin avoided eye contact. there was a long pause. daniel sits down on the bench, kicking the pebbles around him. youngmin, still on the floor, looking at the morning sky.

"look, daniel, im so—" youngmin tried to apologize. daniel didnt wanna hear it. "— no, save it. i dont wanna hear an apology," he interrupts.

"look im just trying to work thi—" daniel cuts him off again. "— what else do you fucking want from me, im youngmin!" daniel raises his voice, youngmin shuts himself up.

"you took away the love of my fucking life at 16! without any apology, without any fucking remorse, you disappeared! and now you come back, and you want to take away the one girl that i love after a long time, again?!" daniel cries out.

youngmin shakes his head, wiping away the blood that was on his lips.

"i havent loved anyone ever since chaeyeon left; and when i finally think that i have found happiness, you want to take her away from me?! what did i ever do to you?!" he continues.

youngmin raged. "shut up! you know damn well what you did!" he yells. daniel looks at the boy, confused. "you werent even treating chaeyeon properly! you think i dont know that?! everyone said that you both were happy, but were you? i know you were happy, but was she?"

"shut up, you- you dont know what you're talking about—" youngmin cuts daniel off. "i know exactly what im talking about! you treated her like shit! and even after all those shitty treatment, she still chose you!" youngmin stands up, spitting blood onto the floor.

"everyone else but you knew how you were treating her, and im not going to let you treat hyemi like how you treated chaeyeon," youngmin smirks.

"im not giving up," was the last thing youngmin said before walking away, leaving daniel astonished at the bench.

hyemi was in her room, playing with her new cat, yuki. the happy atmosphere soon ended when daniel knocked on her door.

she went to open the door, only to be greeted by a gloomy, dirty daniel. "what happened to you? why are you so dirty? and why is your shirt stained with blood?" hyemi asks, yuki in her hands.

daniel tried to smile, he kisses yuki on its head before walking into hyemi's room. "daniel, dont tell me you killed youngmin," hyemi laughs, trying to lighten up the mood.

daniel chuckles, he runs his fingers through his hair. daniel looks over at hyemi, into her brown eyes, he whispers, "are you happy?" he asks.

hyemi raises her eyebrow. "like right now?" she laughs. "are you happy with- me?" daniel asks, softly. without hesitation, hyemi answers, "of course, im happy with you, i - i love you—" daniel cuts her off.

he pushes her onto the wall and attacked her with kisses all over. he places his lips on her neck, showering her with soft kisses, followed by a little rough ones.

hyemi runs her fingers through daniel's hair. and without hesitation, daniel sweeps hyemi right off her feet and places her gently on her bed, showering her with more and more love.

im keeping this pg but let your mind
run wild XDXD (( am i w00jin yet ))

im not gonna describe whatever happened
between daniel and hyemi because
im pure and innocent.

but yes, they did boom shakala,
they did frickle frackle,
they did bang,
in other words,
they did have sex.


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