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hyemi 💞

daniel? fuck it's 2 in the
morning and i cant sleep.
i had a nightmare, daniel.
i had a nightmare of me losing you,
i woke up sweating, then i realized you
werent beside me and that i really did lose you.
fuck my life i love you, why did you have to leave?

i miss you, daniel, oh my god i miss you so much.
i didnt think losing you would ever hurt me this much.
i find myself losing appetite, not sleeping, not eating,
not doing anything.

daniel, is there any chance you can come back?
i need to see you, breathe you, hug you, kiss you
one last time before i think i can actually move on.

you told me you love me,
then you told me you dont.
daniel, i have no idea what's the truth anymore
but the only thing i know for sure is that i still love you.

i dont even know why i'm trying so hard to
send all these texts even when it clearly
said that you're no longer in service.

i dont want to lose you, daniel.
i'm scared — for not only losing you.
but im scared — for someone to realize
how truly amazing you are.
for someone else to kiss your lips.
for someone else to take my place.
for someone else to have your heart.

you say, please meet someone good.
i guess our love was more shallow than i thought.

daniel, i saw you at the mall today.
it's been so long, and by long i only
mean a week. you lashed out on me—
on youngmin. your eyes were red, daniel.
why? were you crying again?
daniel, at that moment when i saw you
in front of me, i wanted to tell you
how much i miss you, i wanted to tell
you how badly i wanted to kiss you.
i wanted to hug you, daniel.
even when there was silence, it felt
like everything was perfect, no?
until youngmin showed up,
and you lashed out on me.
after telling you that one cant lose
something they never once had,
you scoffed, you told me to leave,
to go and never come back.
i know you didnt mean anything
you said, daniel.

you still look as attractive as ever.
it was as if only yesterday, when we met.
it was as if only yesterday, when you told
me you love me.
it was as if only yesterday, when we kissed.
when you picked me up, to adopt a damn cat
with you. but then everytime i snap out of
my reverie, i realize — it wasnt yesterday.
it was months ago, when we were still happy
— and in love.

we could still go back to where
we were before, daniel.
we found happiness in each other, no?
i loved you, and you loved me.

just come back, daniel.
come back so we can love again.
come back so we can be happy again.
i'll always be here waiting for you,
no matter how many times i yell into
your face that i hate you and that i dont
want to see you.
no matter how many times you yell at
me to go.
because like what kenta and his love
for tfios has taught me —
it would be a privilege to have my heart
broken by you.

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