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After Victoria had closed her door in his face, Elijah was uncertain how to react

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After Victoria had closed her door in his face, Elijah was uncertain how to react. He was miserable. Miserable that he had found someone who he could only describe as perfect and he had let her slip through his fingers. But above all, he was angry, at himself mostly, for not being able to control his urges. After all, if he just been able to suppress his thirst for blood, he wouldn't be in this mess.

A deep red covered almost everything in the hotel suite, from the walls to the countertops, there was very little that wasn't covered in the sticky substance.

The bodies that had been discarded onto the floor like trash were now attracting flies as they began to decay.

Elijah had sat stagnant in his apartment for so long he had almost forgotten what moving felt like. He couldn't remember the last time the sun had touched his pale skin. It had easily been more than a week. The curtains that had been pulled closed weren't helping either.

Some might say that his killing spree was an overreaction, that there are ways that he could have dealt with his emotions in a way that didn't result in death. A year ago, Elijah would have been one of these people, but now he had taken a glimpse into the mindset of people like his younger brothers. Now he could understand why they react the way they do.

A loud knock on the wooden door sounded throughout the suite, but nothing seemed to snap the Original from his daze. The person on the other side of the door knocked twice more before Elijah finally looked up.

He slowly stood up from the armchair he had been sat in for days, the dried blood that covered his body made his skin feel tight as he moved for the first time. He swiftly made his way over to the door, slowly twisting the cold metal door handle.

Elijah didn't have time to even look at the people on the other side of the door as the two of them pushed their way into the suite without so much as a greeting.

For a moment he panicked, what if they were police officers? Would he have to compel them, or would he have to kill them?

A slight breath of relief escaped his blood coated lips as the pair turned around and he recognised their familiar faces.

They looked at him with his half buttoned up shirt and messy hair, both covered in a thick coat of blood. There was a mixture of pain, sadness, and what could have been concern in their eyes as they inspected every aspect of both his appearance and the suite.

"This," the man motioned around the room with a single finger, finally breaking the silence that had settled amongst them, "needs to stop."

MILLION DOLLAR MAN | E. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now