The Results...

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Finn's p.o.v

We are all waiting for the results. God this wait feels like forever. I looked down at Rachel and smile at her, she smiles back.

"And the winner is.......... From Lima Ohio The New Directions!!!!" Johnny shouted into the mic.

It seems like everything's going in slow motion. We all jump up and down and cheer. I pick up Rachel and spin her round in circles, then set her back down on her feet. All of the girls are screaming. I'm not gonna lie, I just did too.... Mr Shue walks forward and gets our trophy. It's quite funny to watch the look on Jesse St. Jackass's face because he lost. I just can't believe it, WE WON! We all walk off stage still cheering. When we get back to the dressing room, we all just completely freak out.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!" Mr Shue shouted.

"THIS IS CRAZY!" Santana added.

"WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS MY FRIIIIEEEENNNNDDDDD!!!" I sang and we all laughed. We sat down and I sat next to Rachel and put my arm around her. I looked down at her to see her blushing. I pulled her in closer to me and she rested her head on my arm.

"Words can't express how proud I am of you guys. We have come so far it's unbelievable!" Mr Shue said.

"Well Mr Shue, it's all for you. Before we went on to perform we went around the room asking who we wanted to win this for. Everyone said you and Quinn. Even when we graduate, glee club will remain because you are glee club, Mr Shue." I said smiling at him. All of that was true.

"Awwh you guys! Group hug!" He shouted. We all got up and hugged him. All these people in this room, are my family. No matter what sexuality, race or religion. We are a family no matter what.

"Well guys, let's go home and celebrate the only way we know how to, by singing!" Mr Shue announced. We all piled into the bus and started on the road again.

Today has been amazing. We WON nationals, kicked Jesse St. Jackass's butt AND I think I got myself a girlfriend. The last bit will be determined when me and Rachel talk about it. I hope she will be my girlfriend, because I am falling hard!


Hey guys! 2 updates in one day, just proves how much I love you all!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. YAY they one! Well duhh they did do Demi Lovato songs. (Slightly biased here. I'm a BIG Lovatic!)

So will finchel get together or not? Pretty soon I shall tell you!

Okay so I'm really worried about myself because I have a slight addiction the glee mash up of Rumour Has It/Someone Like You. I like listen to it ALL THE TIME! Please tell you do the same? So I know I'm not crazy (even though I know I am)

I also have an addiction to the youtubers: Zoella, PointlessBlog and ThatcherJoe. I literally spent almost all of today watching their videos...

Anyways love you bunches,

Erin xoxoxoxoxox

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