Authors note

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Hey guys! So at the moment I have like HUGE writers block so it might be a while until another chapter... Just bare with me!

So I'm sorry this is another authors note but I just wanted to update so you all know I'm not abandoning you ☺️

SO to celebrate getting 37k reads on this book I thought I'd just let you all know about me. I'm aware I did this before but that was quite a while ago!

1. I was going to be called Ellouise instead of Erin. My parents were first going to call me Ellouise Erin, but they decided it didn't sound right so they change it to Erin Ellouise.

2. I sing and I also do singing lessons at school.

3. My height is 5"1 (yes I'm aware I'm small. I get it off my friends everyday.)

4. I'm 13 years old

5. I have known my best friend for 10 almost 11 years

6. I have a 16 year old brother called Liam who I surprising get along with. He's my partner in crime!

7. My birthday is April 19th

8. I have been to 1 concert in my life which was McBusted! It was the best night of my life.

9. I'm OBSESSED with McFly. I am literally the crazy fangirl that you see on tv programmes. Galaxy Defender for life!

10. I still watch Disney channel 😄

11. I'm a disney freak

12. I am in love with Ed Sheeran's voice 😍

13. I'm a lovatic and proud!

14. I am extremely clumsy. I have hurt the same ankle 4 times which is the one I just recently had operated on to get fixed. I cracked my head open in a supermarket. I sprained my wrist falling over a bike. I broke my finger falling at the swimming baths. I fell off a wall and cut my knee open then two days later fell over a bench and hurt the same knee again. And I've also fallen over fresh air before 😂

15. When I was 4 and went to benidorm with my family and some friends, my dad accidentally knocked me out. He was playing the game where you have to shoot the basketballs into the hoop and I was sat on the side of the machine. He threw one of the balls and it bounced off the side of the hoop and hit me in the head. That knocked me off the machine onto the floor and I hit my head really hard which knocked me out. 😂

16. I have been to Disney Florida once!

17. I LOVE roller coasters.

18. I love Carrie Fletcher. She is a youtuber is in Les Mis in London. She is very talented. Her YouTube channel is ItsWayPastMyBedtime you should check it out!

19. I am surprisingly not one of the typical teenage girls who is obsessed with One Direction. I quite like Blink 182 to be honest.

20. I love Busted!

21. I'm a sucker for films that make you cry and love films!

22. I cried at Lilo and Stitch... #guilty

23. I'm OBSESSED with The Fault In Our Stars and cried when I saw the film. (Also cried at the trailer.)

24. I'm a single Pringle! 😂 #foreveralone

25. I have chocolate brown eyes, brown/blonde corkscrew curl hair, chubby cheeks and I don't consider myself pretty (I don't say that for attention I just have really shit self confidence, it's kinda been wrecked). All my friends mess around with my cheeks like a grandma does because they know it annoys me.

26. I am doing better in French than I am in English and I live in England 😂 I got a 7c on my French speaking exam which is equivalent to an A and a 6b in my English exam. Not too sure what that's equivalent to in GCSE

27. I'm the youngest of my Nan's grand kids.

28. I'm half Irish🍀

29. I suck at maths.

30. I love YouTubers

31. Music and Drama are my favourite lessons.

32. I can't go a day without listening to music.

33. Jillian Jensen follows me on Instagram and Twitter. If you don't know who she is you need to search her up on YouTube, she's amazing!

34. My twitter is @erinellouise and my Instagram is @futuremrspoynter


So now you know all about me, I want to know at least one thing about you! I would like you to tell me at least one fact about you in the comments! I'm interested to know!

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