Dear Shifter

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The sun's rays magnified the glossy black stripes that lined the tiger's orange coat as she stalked an unsuspecting deer in the nearby foliage. The tiger's thick head was low, her heavy paws carefully placed with each step she took. Well... almost.


The deer darted,weaving in and out of trees, the tigress not far behind. She was hungry. She loved the chase and it made her cravings worse. She was a bullet train as her heart pumped blood to her strong limbs. 20 feet lessened to 10 feet and 10 to 5 as she leaped with claws fully extended. The poor stag hit the ground in a heap and the tiger wasted no time mounting and sinking her sharp teeth into its jugular. A clean kill. Emberly has grown quite used to the blood and sounds of an animals innards being chewed to pieces so watching the tiger feast didn't bother her in the slightest.

As time passed and the sun rose higher in the morning sky, she could feel her coat start to warm. Which caused the tiger to whine as it signified the human's turn to control this body. Nevertheless, she submits to Emberly. Shifting back to her human self, Ember found her clothes and wiped the blood from her face before getting dressed and casually walking back to the house. Like always,Grandpa was sitting in his La-Z-Boy recliner watching the game so she chose not to disturb him. Upon entering her room her phone vibrated,which was odd considering the time. There's no way Luke was up right now but maybe he needed something important. Checking her phone, her eyebrow raised seeing that it's an email notification with no subject. Normally she ignored these types of messages but the sender was 'anonymous' which sparked her curiosity. 

As she began reading, her face twisted into a mass of confusion,heart pounding with more force than a high-speed steam engine.

Dear Shifter,

I'm afraid a great evil has fallen upon us and we are no longer able to contain it. It pains me to say that the duty now falls on you, tigress. However, you will not have to embark on this treacherous journey alone. In your mailbox lies a brown envelope which contains a pendant. Those you see wearing the same pendant are your allies. Together you will be prepared to defeat this wicked beast. Apart you shall fail. Will you redeem us? 


'WHAT THE HELL' is all she can think. Emberly Ash...saving lives? This can't be real. She's about to burst into laughter when it hits her...they used the words shifter and tigress. How did they know? Literally the only souls with that knowledge were Grandpa and Luke. The blood had completely drained from her face now and she did what any other person would do in this situation, send an email back asking "who's this?" but immediately got an error message. This was just getting freakier by the second but her curiosity forces her to go check the mail despite the surreal feeling crawling throughout her body.

Ember couldn't believe she was actually opening up the mailbox, didn't even know how she grew the balls to do it but there's no turning back now. She sorted the mail with shaky hands saying a silent prayer in her mind, but there's no denying the brown envelope she now held. She didn't even have to feel it to know the pendant was in there, for the jewelry was already bulging out a bit. Turning the envelope upside down, she emptied its contents into her hand. Her jaw dropping at the rich ocean blue stone. She could tell it was handcrafted by the inconsistencies in the way it was carved. 

"What you got there?" A raspy voice questions from behind her.

"Oh nothing Grandpa,just a necklace I ordered." She hated lying to him but she couldn't begin explaining the situation, hell, she didn't even know what was going on herself. Maybe Luke could help her figure it out though,after all,he does have more experience than Emberly when it comes to this stuff. Honestly she wouldn't be surprised if this was one of his lame attempts to stir her up. Heading back up to her room, she tosses the envelope on her bed and calls Luke.

"This better be good Emberly", the honeyed but groggy voice answered within seconds and instantly she could tell he wasn't the one behind the random letter."Oh hush, it's about time you wake up sleeping beauty." She teases but that boy could sleep all day if someone let him."Only my prince charming can wake me sweetheart" He retorts in that dramatic tone of his.

"Seriously Luke, I just got some weird email about saving people and then the person sent a necklace in the mail saying that anyone who has it is an ally" It sounded silly when she said it and apparently Luke felt the same by the silence on the other end of the call but finally he spoke "Sounds like dungeons and dragons if you ask me."  Emberly honestly didn't know how to explain this better to him,her mind was still heavily clouded. "They referred to me as shifter...they called me tigress,Luke. No one else knows about that...atleast that's what I thought..."

"Em, have you been spotted shifting?" His tone had changed just then, the concern evident in his voice. They ran through all the things that could lead to her being found out about but every possibility lead to a dead end.

"Hey Emberly hold on just a sec" She could hear the phone being put down and impatiently waited for him to return."I'm back, so anyways do you believe the letter?"That was a good question,one she wasn't sure she could answer. The human said no but the tiger knew better. She's about to respond when there's suddenly a ton of noise from his end. "Luke! What is all that noise in your background?" Ember loved her bestfriend but he was being quite annoying at the moment."Sorry! You know i'm a clutz, I kept dropping this new necklace I just got."

 "I really shouldn't have woken you because your focus sucks right now." There was no denying the irritation in her voice but it didn't phase Luke in the slightest."Can't help that this blue stone is more entertaining than your dungeons and dragons story." She opened her mouth to speak but then the words 'blue stone' began resonating throughout her mind. "What color is the envelope it came in?" Part of her hoped her suspicions were true that way she wouldn't have to face this by herself.Luke rolled his eyes at the seemingly irrelevant question "Umm brown, why?"

It suddenly got so quiet you could hear a pin drop,then she spoke"Luke..check your email.."

Oh Geez, what would you do if you received an email like that? Lol don't forget to comment on your favorite part,leave any feedback,and vote. Also I may release the third part tomorrow because I have a lot of school work this week and may not be on wattpad much. We shall see.

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