Is it a date?

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Lena's POV  

“Rick, it’s the man I told you about. He was looking me right in the eye with the one functioning eye he had left.” I panted on to the group after the accident.

“Calm down, Lena. It’s ok.” Rick said while pondering the situation. 

“Rick,” Hershel spoke up, “I think its Phillip…the Governor.”

“Ok, it’s late everybody, why don’t we go to bed and talk about this tomorrow.” Rick declared with a yawn.

“Yeah…ok.” I whispered and headed back to my cell.

I sank into my bunk and thought about this afternoon before the Governor/Phillip/”The Man” problem. It was so insulting, then nice, then cute, and then disastrous, and then everything about this afternoon was causing my head to pound with anxiety. Especially the whole Carl thing...

Don’t be so mushy, Lena. I told myself. But what could I do? I am still a teenage girl after all; we live for this kind of stuff. Or at least we use to. 

I heard a knock on my cell bars and saw Carl standing outside.

“Um…hey.” He said quietly.

“Hi…” I replied.

This conversation sounds familiar

“So, I just wanted to, uh, say sorry for being a jerk earlier.” He bowed his head shamefully.

“Wait-the Carl Grimes is actually apologizing?” I gasped sarcastically.

“Ha ha, very funny. But seriously, sorry.” He started to step back but I called after him.

“Carl,” I said, “You weren’t all bad today.”

He smiled.  “To be honest, I was really nervous.”

He looked like he said something he did not want to.

My curiosity got the better of me so I asked “Nervous of what?” as I inched closer to him.

“Pssh, your, you-I thought you were going to kill me with that gun.” He said scooting closer to me, “I mean really, you need some lessons.”

“I wasn’t that bad.” I giggled.

“You hit a tree. That was on the other side of the forest.” He laughed.

“Yeah…I might need some help.” I accepted defeat with a smile.

“Tomorrow.” Carl grinned. And he walked away.

Carl’s POV

Um, is it bad if I said that I was actually looking forward to giving Lena the “lessons” tomorrow? Who am I kidding; I was really looking forward to it. I was inches away from her, and I swear if I got any closer I would lean in and kiss her. Then I walked away. I’m an idiot.


I walked into the main area where Lena was playing with some of the Woodbury girls. She looked up and smiled at me, and then went back to entertaining the kids. I didn’t know exactly how to approach her…should I say hi? Or is that lame? I know it’s hard to believe, but before the world went to hell, I wasn’t exactly the chick magnet. But now, I, well, let’s just say all those girls are crawling back…as walkers. It counts for something.

I decided to be cool and make the first move. I approached her and the kids hoping that the little girls would leave to give us some space, but I only got pestering questions.

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