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Carl's POV 

“It certainly took you long enough.” The Governor said and pulled the trigger using my pistol. My baby.

Ok, so my night just kept getting better and better. Shall we recap? I lost my date, yelled at my dad, ran through the woods to find said girl, found said girl and got the snot beat out of me in front of said girl while attempting to save said girl by an old man with one eye, was teased by everybody about losing said girl, and my dad got shot in the leg.

“Dad!” I screamed and ran over to him still bleeding from my own injuries.

It went from hell to HELL from there.

Michonne tried to fend off the Governor with her katana. Daryl lifted my dad up and supported his weight with his burly arms, and I ran to help while swords cut the air and bullets flew from preppy Woodbury guys that reminded me of Patrick back at the prison.

“You idiot, get your girl, not me!” My Dad yelled at me.


I ran back to Lena who was in a daze from her concussion, but she was still stretching her leg out as far as possible to slip her knife into her grasp. I scooped her knife up and ran behind her chair to untie her. The Governor slipped behind me and knocked me to the ground.

C’mon, man! Just let me save the girl! I wanted to scream, but I just got back up and saw his arm wrapped around Lena’s neck with her knife pressed up against her throat.

This guy needed serious therapy.

“Whoa, whoa!” I said with my hands up in the air in front of the Governor’s eye.

“Please.” Lena choked, then she looked at me and flicked her eyes towards the exit. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

I wasn’t going to run if that’s what she’s implying.

I saw her look at the knife again, and I caught on.

“Listen, don’t-don’t do this, sir. We did nothing wrong. Lena did nothing wrong.” I tried.

“She didn’t tell you?” He asked.

“Tell him what?” Lena choked on her words.

“Your brother. That’s what.”

Lena’s POV

“Noah?” I quivered. “He’s de-dead. What could have he done to you?”

Carl looked so confused and just stood there clueless.

“He killed my wife, you little bitch.” The Governor spit out.

Geez. Did not know that.

“I-uh.” I stammered and gasped for a breath, partly because his arm was cutting off my oxygen and partly because I was in shock.

“I thought you took her because you wanted to find us.” Michonne said.

“Killing two birds with one stone.” He spoke. His metaphor was not appreciated.

I looked at Carl and kept directing him to distract the Governor from killing me. If I could just loosen his grip, I could grab my knife.

My head pounded and I could hear my ears ringing. I felt past memories come up and haunt me from the times it was Noah, Aria, and me hunting for food and barely hanging on by a thread. I forced myself to push the memories down for another time; I had to focus.

Michonne started to move her foot to come near us and the Governor yelled, “Don’t come any closer or the girl is dead!”

I could feel my dirty knife slicing into my skin as the Governor pushed it farther into my throat. My skin was almost at its breaking point while drips of blood slipped down my neck. I gave Carl a nervous look, and he continued to try to calm the Governor.

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