A Kiss...

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I didn't get far when Chase ran after me

"Sally please stop can't you see you are hurt" He pleaded

"Chase I don't want to talk leave me alone"

Tears had already gathered in my eyes He told me He likes me but all He is doing is hurting me. I tried walking faster but the pain didn't allow me to as chase caught up with me and pulled me to him

"Sally I didnt mean to make you angry but its for your own good I want you to realize Dante his a bad person". Chase said loking at me in the eyes

We were so close in the firm hallway

"Why Chase am not a game and I assume Dante didn't even know about the will"

"Trust me He does, Sally please don't associate with him"

"Tell me Chase why, He has apologized and He keeps blaming himself" I was really tired of disscussing this

He pulled me closer and cupped my face

"Because I really like you" He then leaned in and kissed me

The kiss was something I never imagined  the kiss was soft and gentle his lips brushing mine at first.

I hesitated at first but I finally kissed him back his lips tasted nice and those butterflies fluttered again .

I found my self melting into his arms and all my worries vanishing we pulled back for some air.

"Sally am sorry please just...." He was interrupted by his talkie ringing He pulled it and answered it

"Sally I need to go I'll talk later" with that He turned and left me feeling flustered

My hands flew to my lips Chase just kissed me and it tasted nice

"Sally let's go home" uncle Mike appeared interrupting my thougths



Chase view

I was glad for the call if not Sally could have seen my face red

Only God knows what that girl does to me, I always wanted to kiss her and am glad I finally did her lips tasted like freshly plucked strawberries

she tasted really nice and she made my heart to beat at a very fast rate.

" Deputy give me the report " I asked Agnes when I entered the office

"There's trouble down at Country avenue and your attention is urgently needed" she replied hastily.

"Alright am on it "

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