Chapter 2- Its you..

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Deditcated to lightsinskys for motivating me to write this chapter


Today is the day we get our model and makeup artist partners for the 2 week project.

But more importantly, today I find my soulmate. The timer on my wrist now reads ‘Y:00 M:00 W:00 D:00 H:02 M:15 S:26’

I scramble out of bed and run to the bathroom faster than I ever have. I don’t understand my sudden urge to look my best today but I am just gonna go with it.


After my shower and getting done with everything I needed to do in the bathroom I find myself stuck in front of my closet door with nothing but underwear on.

“What the hell am I gonna wear…,” I am asking to the air particles around me.

I grabbed the first beanie I saw and went from there.


In the end I had tried on 3-4 outfits before I realized that if I kept this up I would be late. So I ran out with what I had on at the time.

Only to have to run back to the dorm because I forgot my equipment. Damn this soulmate is messing me up.


The hour is now down to ‘H:01’

I am terrified. NO, thats an understatement, because even after Namjoon went and got me Starbucks, I am shaking so badly that it’s coming out of the lid.

“ Dude you need to calm down,” Namjoon chuckled.

“ I am calm Namjoon,” I replied, voice firm.

“ You body is saying something else,” Namjoon laughed, he was dying at this point. I only grunted in reply and slammed my arms onto the table so they would stop shaking.

“ I have never seen you this messed up! You're always so calm and cool about everything and now you’re shaking like a mad man,” Namjoon managed, he was attempting to calm himself down because he was getting glances from the other students around us.

“ Who would stay calm and collected when they are going to be meeting their soulmate in an hour?,” I deadpanned, at least my voice stayed steady.

“ I did,” Namjoon said proudly.

“ Yeah, you ate your food at lunch in 3 minutes, then puked, cried, and was paralyzed until I forced you to say hello to Seokjin,” I laughed out.

“ OK stop with the storytime,” he spat, his face redder than the strawberries at lunch.

And once again our conversation was ended by the professor walking into the room.


All he did was explain the way we would be placed with our models. We would have models in all years, because we all do this project once a year.

All the first years would be placed with first year models and makeup artists, because it was all their first times and this grade didn’t count as much as it did for the rest of this because they already knew it would be a mess for them.

But the rest of us would be placed randomly. A group could be all 3rd years, or be a mix of 2 years, 3rd years, and 4th years. I am a 3rd year along with Seokjin, Namjoon is a 2nd year along with Taehyung and Jimin.

Taehyung and Jimin would be first years but Jimin was given a year early because of his skills at his high school play that the university went to see for actors but their make-up had stood out so much they asked who did it. Jimin just happened to be a Junior, but the university was impatient and he got to skip his senior year.

Taehyung had been doing modeling since middle school for magazines so he got to skip his first year of college because he already knew the basics. Jimin and Taehyung both are looked up to by their fellow classmates.  

Taehyung just bullies Jimin because he’s popular and gay. Therefore making Taehyung a asshole who needs to be straightened out. If he can be anymore than he already is.

The professor's next statement snaps me out of my daze.

“ Use the next 10 minutes before the models get here so clean the rest of you equipment,”

I look at my timer.

“Y:00 M:00 W:00 D:00 H:00 M:15 S:26”

Then I remember Taehyung's timer.

It can’t be him

This can’t be happening.


Just like the professor said 10 minutes later the models get here.

They don’t even introduce themselves, the professor just starts reading off a list or names. Its one of photographers names and one of the models name.

“ Who is Mark?,”

“ That's me!,” and a hand will be raised by the photographer and the model will walk over to them and they introduce themselves.

I look at my timer after they go through a few rounds of this.

“ Y:00 M:00 W:00 D:00 H:00 M:01 S:26”

I want to run and hide.

“ Min Yoongi?,”

“ That's me,” I say and slowly raise my hand.

Kim Taehyung walks over to me with slightly narrowed eyes. He must remember me from yesterday, but that's not what I am focusing on.  

“ Hi I’m Taehyung, you can call me Tae though,” he says sweetly and smiles, I can tell that it’s slightly forced.

“ Yoongi, and call me Yoongi,” I reply, no need to be nice to a person who doesn’t like me.

I hold out my hand and glace at my timer.

“ S:13”

I’m shaking.

He hesitates a short moment and grabs hold of it and we shake hands.

“ Nice to meet you,” we say in unison.

A loud beeping sound starts ringing through the room.

All eyes in the room turn to us as our slowing widen and mouths drop.

It’s obvious what just happened.

We both just had our Time.

Kim Taehyung, the fuckboy and bully of the school. The one who beats up homosexuals…

Is my soulmate.

“ It’s you,” He breathes.

{TaeGi Soulmate AU} My Clock Stopped For YouWhere stories live. Discover now