Chapter 18

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Yoongi P.O.V


Blinking open my eyes into a squint, I peered over the large mass of blankets I had piled over me to take a peek at what awful time it has turned while I was attempting to sleep. Needless to say, if it wasn't already obvious, I hadn't gotten any over the past, now 6 hours back at the home.

Nothing huge had happened between Taehyung and I when we both got home. He silently unlocked the door like I had..uh...well, demanded. I walked straight to my room, not letting him have a chance to stop me and talk to me. However, I think he is happy enough having me back here, he isn't willing to push any of my buttons until I am ready.

I really do appreciate it. Him letting me have space, since at this point I am the one in the wrong. I also appreciate Seokjin for forcing me to come home. It was the right thing, for me to come home. Even if I don't want to be here right now, I can see why he did it. He understands this thing more than I do. I have been thinking, and I'm starting to think that him and Namjoon went through something. There is no way they went off and had this wonderful relationship they currently have.

The other thing I appreciate is Taehyung cleaning up my room. Last night when I had gotten here, it wasn't anything near to the complete mess I had left it. The things I had strewn around the room where back in their places. My clothes were all back in the closet, and even my bed was made.

I should say thank you.


Taehyung P.O.V


He hates me right now. That is okay. He is home. He is where I want him to be. French toast.


I slowly crept my way toward the door down the very short hallway. I placed myself right in front of the door. Knocking on the door, I was careful to not drop the plate currently piled high with powdered sugar covered french toast with some strawberries on the side. Our finest paper plates could barely hold the weight.

No response was given to my knock so I said loud enough, " Yoongi I'm coming in."

This probably isn't the best idea, but I want to give it a shot.

With the door now wide open I take in the view. His bags are in a pile on the floor, and there is a visible human burrito on the bed. A small smile creeps on my face and I sit on the edge of the bed, placing the toast on his bedside table.

" I know you don't want to see me right now, and you don't even want to be here. But I wanted to tell you how happy I am that you came back."

Silence is all that follows. I sigh, and decide to talk while facing away from the burrito.

" I apologized to Jumin after you slammed the door on me. I dove over there at like 2 in the morning and woke him up to apologize. It went well, but it's going to be awkward between him and I for a while."

I heard the blankets shift along with the weight distribution on the bed. The dip in the bed had moved closer to me.

" You are mad because I keep reacting badly whenever you bring up Jumin. I have been purposely avoiding the topic, but look what good that brought me. I suppose it's time to tell you what happened between him and I, huh?"

More silence followed that.

" Hah..if you want to hear this, you have to reply. These aren't memories I am gonna share to deaf ears."

Silence for a long moment, but then I turned around and saw that Yoongi was now sitting up staring intently at me.

" Please," He said, this soft longing tone in his voice," Please tell me." 

{TaeGi Soulmate AU} My Clock Stopped For YouWhere stories live. Discover now