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It had been a few days since Harry met up with Louis and now Harry was watching the dress  rehearsals for his category. He had sat through two performances so far and he was glad they actually took his advice.

He sat behind the desk, in a black suit. He prided himself on always looking professional when he was in public, but he actually lounges around his house in his underwear. He sat up straight, concentrating on the man in front of him. He was just finishing the song. He sang Don't by Ed Sheeran. He was pretty good.

The man left and Louis was supposed to be there any minute. Harry wasn't worried at all, in the past few days, he hadn't had one dirty thought. He was quite proud of himself.

He heard the door open but he didn't look up. He heard footsteps go up on to the stage and only then did he look up. Louis was wearing turquoise skinny jeans and matching suspenders with a plain black shirt. The jeans showed off his bum but Harry tried his best not to notice it.

"G'morning." Harry smiled at Louis and Louis smiled back brightly. His smile that was like actual sunshine.

"Morning." Louis didn't stop smiling. He rubbed his hands together and then placed them on the mic. He then looked down at Harry expectantly.

Harry waved his hand up over his head, signalling for them to start the music. The music began almost instantly.

Harry sat back and smiled at the angel in front of him

"I've cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them. And then it was clear. I can't deny. I really missed her."

Harry quickly sat forward. Her?
Why would he change the pronouns. He just tried to concentrate on the song again and push his thoughts away.

When the high note at the end came up, Louis hit it perfectly. Harry was happy he listened to his advice but he couldn't help but notice that he changed all the pronouns.

When the music stopped, Louis looked at Harry and smiled again.

"Brilliant, as usual," Louis blushed, "But um- I thought you weren't changing pronouns?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh I wasn't going to- Simon said I should... he says it's weird for me to use male pronouns." Louis looked down as he ended the sentence, looking hurt. Harry let out a frustrated sigh, anger boiling inside him.

"Don't listen to Simon, It's not weird. He's just being idiotic." Harry said sternly, eyes darkening. He was genuinely angry.

"Oh um okay... um" Louis awkwardly put his hands together, "I was wondering if you could could go over the performance details for the night, like which side I come on from and what time." He looked up at Harry shyly.

"Oh of course, come here." Harry tried to cool off, he pulled out a sheet of paper from his file as Louis came up to the desk. Louis didn't sit down, he just hovered over Harry shoulder like a child asking a teacher for help.

"Okay so you come on from the left wing," Harry looked at a table with all the contestants names,"And you don't need to worry about the time because the stage managers should get you ready." Harry could smell Louis, strawberries and Vanilla.

The door opened and the sound of heels clicking on the floor echoed in the hall. Harry rolled his eyes when he heard that voice, "So sorry to interrupt but I've left my file here, silly me." Cheryl's high chirpy voice was already making Harry's head hurt.

Louis just looked at her as she came towards the desk. He started moving to leave but as Cheryl passed him, she stood on his foot and spilled all of her hot coffee onto Louis' chest, causing him to hiss in pain.

"What the fuck!" Harry quickly got up from his chair, pushing in between Louis and Cheryl, checking to see if Louis was okay but then turning to glare at Cheryl, "What is wrong with you?"

"Oops." She covered her mouth with one hand and then pushed passed them to retrieve her file. She then walked out the room, without another word.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Harry took Louis' hand, trying to ignore the buz that was sent through his body, and guided him to the restrooms.

"I'm fine, honestly." Louis tried to protest as the entered the bathroom. Harry didn't listen.

Harry gestured for Louis to take his shirt off. Louis looked at him strangely but did so when Harry turned on the tap. He pulled the sticky shirt over his head. Harry watched, eyes travelling from his collarbones, down to his V-line.

Harry almost stopped breathing but he quickly turned his head and put the shirt under the warm water.

After he rinsed it, he walked over to the dryer and hung it over and turned it on. He turned back to Louis, who had been watching Harry's every move.

"That's going to take a few minutes to dry..." Harry bit his lip, willing himself not to look at the cute boy's body.

"You didn't have to do this." Louis said softly, a little bit embarrassed. He looked up at Harry with his big blue eyes that made Harry melt.

"No trouble," Harry's eyes slipped down but he caught himself and focused them back on the boy's face, "I wanted to." It came out as a whisper.

They fell into a comfortable silence. Harry started noticing more on the the beautiful boy's face. His eyelashes were so long that the cast shadows onto Louis' cheekbones. His cheekbones were carved by the gods and his lips... The looked so soft and pink.

"Stop." Louis whispered, not looking at Harry's eyes but at his lips and Harry smirked, noticing.

"Stop what?" Harry stepped closer to him and leaned a little bit closer to his face.

"Stop looking at my like that." Louis smiled slightly, inching closer to Harry.

Their lips were centimetres apart, Harry could feel Louis breath on his lips. His lips began to tingle in anticipation. He closed his eyes when Louis did.

Louis pulled away quickly when a toilet flushed inside one of the stalls. He began to blush furiously and Harry just turned to get Louis shirt. Once he handed him the shirt, he left the bathroom without a word.


I decided that I'd update because we hit 1k reads! Thank you all so much! I love you!

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