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Harry tapped his fingers nervously against the mug that held his black coffee. Liam had agreed to meet with him to discuss what happened with Louis when he had given him the letter. He was nervous, he hoped for the best.

He looked around the little restaurant. It was lunchtime, so there were quite a few people. There was a mother and two very loud children in the booth next to Harry, the children were arguing about something to do with toys. Across the restaurant, an elderly couple sat in silence.

Harry frowned, they weren't even looking at each other. He imagined what their life was when they were young. He wondered when they stopped talking or when they stopped looking at each other with love. It was sad to think that they were once in the honeymoon faze, madly in love.

Harry liked to look at strangers and imagine what they did in their lives. He did this ever since he was a young boy. Sometimes, no matter how hard he tried to be positive, he couldn't find anything good or happy about them.

Two girls entered the restaurant, one had brown hair and the other had ginger. He smiled when he realised they were holding hands. He let his eyes follow them to their table. He watched as the one with ginger hair pulled out a chair for the other. They were cute together.

Harry was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Liam's voice, saying a quick hello. He looked up to see a smiley Liam, and Zayn trailed behind him with a nervous look on his face. Liam and Zayn sat down across from him.

"Hey," Harry smiled at Liam, Zayn wasn't looking at him. Harry couldn't help but feel suspicious, he still didn't know If Zayn was the anonymous person.

"Hi, Harry," Liam smiled brightly, taking Zayn's hand in his. Zayn finally looked at Harry, he smiled.

"So, do you guys want to order anything?" Harry asked, he was mostly talking to Liam.

"Um, I'm fine," Liam smiled again, "Babe? You want anything?" He looked at Zayn.

Zayn looked up, shyly and shook his head. It was weird to see Zayn so quiet. He was usually quite talkative at work.

They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, Zayn watched the people around him. He seemed awfully nervous.

"So, Um," Harry cleared his throat, "Did you give him my letter?" Harry asked Liam, quietly.

Liam sighed and stuck his hand in his pocket, he pulled out the envelope and placed it on the the table.

"Zayn and I went to the house yesterday. Louis was there but when we said it was from you he just shook his head. He refused to take it," Liam sighed, "I'm sorry, Harry's. We really tried but he kept on saying no."

Harry felt disappointment wash over him. He understood that Louis was angry but why did he have to be so stubborn? He opened his mouth to speak but closed it when Liam spoke again.

"And he, um," Liam looked at Zayn, "He said he wanted to do the vocal coaching with Zayn."

Harry took in a deep breath, trying to remain calm. He closed his eyes, not saying a word. He was angry at Zayn but he was more angry at himself for screwing everything up.

He opened his eyes, fixing them on Zayn. Zayn open his mouth to talk but we were interrupted.

"How dare you!" A short girl with dark hair came stomping to the table, a blond boy followed.

"You hurt my best friend, mate!" The blond boy spoke up. They were now standing right next to the table, focused on Harry.

"Wh-who are you?" Harry tilted his head in confusion. Who were these random people?

"I am Vaani, this is Niall," The girl gestured to herself and then to the boy. They both glared at Harry. They looked about nineteen or twenty years old.

"Okay, uh I'm Harry," Harry glanced at Liam awkwardly,"Nice to meet you?"

"We already know who you are. We are friends of Louis." Niall announced and Vaani nodded.  Harry just stared at the, confused.

"I-i didn't mean to," Harry said after a moment of silence, "He didn't let me explain." Harry added, in a more confident tone, deepening his voice.

"Well you did." Vaani said matter-of-factly. Liam cleared his throat to show that they were still there. All eyes turned to him.

"Harry tried, but Louis didn't want the letter." Liam referenced to the letter on the table and Zayn nodded.

"A letter?" Niall laughed, "What? Are you in middle school or something? Grow a pair and talk to him, mate."

"You don't understand." Harry muttered, feeling frustrated. Niall and Vaani simply had no idea what he was facing.

"What?" Vaani snorted and Harry shot a glare at Zayn. Why would he do this? He didn't do anything to him. He sighed, frustrated with everything.

Niall said something but Harry didn't listen, he just got up and walked towards the door. He heard Liam call for him but he ignored him.

He made it a little ways down the street when Liam and Zayn caught up with him. He looked at Zayn as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Stop! Get away from me!" He snappe, pulling his arm away, "You dickhead! Why did you have to do this?" Zayn stepped back, almost tripping over his own feet and Liam stepped in front of him, protectively.

"Harry, what the fuck are talking about?" Liam said as calmly as possible. Harry just looked at Zayn, who was cowering behind Liam.

"He's the anonymous person." Harry whispered, but it was loud enough for them to hear him.

"Hey! I would never do that!" Zayn spoke up, moving to Liam's side, "Why would I?"

Harry saw the sincerity in his eyes.

"I promise, look, I'll text you and you can see that it's not me, okay?" Zayn held his phone up. He typed quickly and Harry's phone buzzed.

It wasn't the same number. Harry both felt relieved and disappointed. That person was still out there.

It could be anyone.


Hey hey this was bad and I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while but now my exams are over so I'll update as soon as possible. X


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