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"You took long enough!" Harry rolled his eyes as Zayn walked into his dressing room. Harry wanted to discuss what to do with this anonymous person.

"S-sorry, I was held up," Zayn quickly shut the door, his hand lingering on the handle for a minute. He seemed upset but Harry thought it would be best not to ask.

Harry pulled out a chair from the small table in the middle of his dressing room and gestured for Zayn to sit. Zayn sat across from Harry.

"So, on the phone, you said you had an idea?"

"Oh, yeah, I was thinking-uh," Zayn cleared his throat, "This person probably works on the set of the show. So-um, I thought maybe, before the show starts, when everyone it in the same room, you could text that number over and over. And we should see who has been doing this- but I don't know. Only if you want to." Zayn looked at his hands.

"That actually a brilliant idea," Harry smiled for the first time in a while, "I don't know why I didn't think of it."

Zayn smiled, letting out a breath of relief.


Zayn and Harry stood in the corner of the judge's room, next to the buffet table. They were waiting for everyone to fill up the room like they always did before a show.

Harry felt nervous and excited all at once. He wanted this whole thing to be over with and he wanted to hold Louis again. He wanted to be happy... He wanted Louis to be happy.

Finally, it looked like everyone was there and Zayn nudged Harry, bringing him out of his thoughts. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and took in a shaky breath.

"Start, now." Zayn whispered.

What would happen when he found out who it was? He didn't think that far ahead. Zayn nudged him again and he did it.

He just started sending random letters to this number, over and over again. He sent so many that his phone started freezing up. Zayn pointed to the door across the room as someone quickly ran out.

Harry pushed himself through everyone and headed to the door. When he got out, he followed the sound of heels clicking on the floor. He froze when he caught up and saw the culprit. She must have sensed his presence because she turned around to face him.

It was Cheryl. He suddenly became very angry. Of course it was her, how could he have been to blind?

"It was you," Harry growled, "You bitch! Why?" He shouted, getting closer to her.

She remained quiet, watching as Harry's eyes went about three shades darker. He towered over her but she still smiled.

"I wouldn't get too close, dear," She held up her phone,"I have the power to break both your's  and your little boy toy's careers." She smiled that sickening smile.

"You make me sick." Harry scowled.

"You make me sick as well," She spat,"You're disgusting, you know that?" Harry flinched a little but she didn't notice, which was a good thing.

"You and your little toy, disgusting."

"Shut the fuck up!" Harry screamed,"leave him out of this!"

Cheryl was about to reply but they were interrupted when they heard someone calling for them. It was one of the stage managers.

Harry glared at Cheryl and then stormed off.


Harry felt as if he might cry when he saw Louis walk up on that stage. He wore black pants and a white button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up.

What hurt the most was the fact that Louis didn't even glance n his direction.

The music began to play and Harry felt his chest clench, he recognised the song immediately.

"I don't ever ask you where you've been. I don't feel the need to know who your with," Louis began, "I can't even think straight but I can tell, you were just with her."

Louis looked at Harry as he sang the chorus and Harry wanted to break down, he wanted to run to his boy.

The song was sung beautifully,  Harry could argue that it was better than the original. By the time the song was over, Harry had to will the tears not to fall from his eyes.

After all the other performances, they all lined up on the stage once again and waited to hear the results. Harry stared at Louis but Louis was looking at the ground.

Of course, Louis went through once again. Everyone walked off stage and the judges returned to the room. Zayn had asked what happened with Cheryl but Harry only said that it was her.

In the judge's room, Harry watched Chery, anger boiling inside him. Zayn noticed, he patted Harry on the back and walked up to Cheryl, starting to tell her something. He was distracting her.

Harry immediately ran out the room, he ran backstage. He looked all over but he couldn't find his boy. He ran outside to the parking lot, where he saw Johanna. He sighed of relief and ran closer but Louis wasn't there.

He looked around for a while before he saw him. He was by a car, playing with his sisters. The girls both ran to Harry when the saw him, Louis looked up and quickly called for the girls to come back.

"But it's only Harry." The smaller sister said, Louis shushed her.

"Louis, can we talk?" Harry pleaded but Louis ignored him. He bent down to his sisters' level and told them to go wait by their mother.

The girls ran over to Johanna. Louis just watched them until he saw that they had safely made it to her.

"Louis, please." Harry stepped closer to Louis, Louis backed away. He just shook his head and turned around to walk away.

"I know I hurt you, I'm sorry," Harry followed being Louis, "I can explain."

"Explain what?" Louis turned around, "explain why you used me for your own pleasure?" Louis shouted.

"I'll explain that I don't want to ruin your chance of achieving your dreams!" Harry shouted back.


Question: Where did you find out about this fic,  like on instagram, a friend or where? I'm curious.


Anywaaayyyyyyysssss hope you enjoyed.
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