The Black Cat.

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Chapter one: The red memory.

"It's night, and I see the stars sparkle, the moon right now that hangs is a half moon.  

I can hear the wine blowing in the east, I run. I run. And as I run I can feel the snow beneath my feet. I hear it crunch as I run, I then stop, and walk into my house. That's where I find momma and daddy,sitting on the sofa drinking tea. "Momma!! momma!! Come outside and see my snowman!! Please momma?!" I shout, she smiles and takes my hand, she puts on her coat. Then daddy tells, " I'll make you coco, while you show momma! Okay!! " he then leaves us to make my coco."

I then open the door, not knowing that..... I would be watching them be killed, right before my very eyes.

" then I open the door, and run with momma to my snowman. 

I run. I run. I run. I run holding her hand. 

I stop. I stop. I stop running with momma. "See momma look how big and pretty,it is?! " I tell her smiling. 

She puts her arm around me, and kisses me on my cheek. I then see glowing red,yellow, and blue eyes. I then hear a howling at the moon, wasn't a half moon it was a full one. I then see a wolf with blue eyes that leaps towards momma and I.

I am frighten, and I just stand there until I hear my momma yell, " run Alice run!!! As fast as you can!!"

So I run. I run. I run. I then stop, because I see red, in the snow. What's red that could in the snow?! Why is it red, I hate the color red?!..... I turn around to see, my mother being ripped apart limb from limb, and can her blood curdling scream of pain, she saw me again and screamed,"runaway Alice now!!" So I run, and run until I made it to the front door, and I cried," daddy! Daddy! Help me the door is stuck?!" That when I turned my back against the door, and saw the creature with blue eyes,and claws leap at me, with jaws open wide. That when I heard daddy scream,"alice!" I watched as it came for me but then, I fell arms and legs wrapping around me, to protect me. I then closed my eyes and covered my ears and waited for the wolves to go away.

When I finally hear the last of their muffled howls, I opened my eyes,and uncovered my ears. I then remember seeing more red,in the snow.

Then trying to move. To get up but the arms wrapped around me wouldn't let go of me. So I made then move,and I wiggled out from beneath them, I turned to face the arms, to see who they belonged too.  

When I did, I saw. I saw. I saw..... I saw daddy with his eyes closed and back ripped open. All I had on me was a little tiny deep scratch. I then shook daddy, " wake up! Daddy please this isn't funny daddy!! Please wake up daddy!! " I cried. I look at daddy, I look at his face at his eyes I then remember that I hats closed eyes, because dead people have their eyes closed. I have nothing left... so crying I walk inside the house, cover my cut with a heavy duty band aid, daddy's first aid kit. Then walk into the kitchen and on the table is my hot coco, and its in daddy's cup that says, " I love you daddy!" It the cup I made for him, I then touch the base of the cup with my hands, it's still hot.

So I drink. I drink. I drink. I drink until it's gone. Then take off my winter stuff, that's covered in daddy's blood. I then put on one of daddy's t-shirts that are to big for me. I then walk into momma's and daddy's room, close the door and lock it. I then crawl into their bed and cry myself to sleep hoping that what just happened was a dream."

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