Denial and Blabbermouth Friends- SR

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Edited: 21st June 2019

Part 2 on the way 


You stepped into the elevator of Stark Tower after being away on a two-week mission and couldn't wait to have a shower, eat and sleep.

"Welcome home Y/N, how was your mission?" The A.I J.A.R.V.I.S asks

"It was good but tiring, thank you J.A.R.V.I.S" You reply, jumping out of your skin, forgetting he was there in your sleep deprived state.

"To your room, Miss Y/L/N?" J.A.R.V.I.S asks again

"Living room, please" you respond, wanting to grab a snack.

As you walked out of the elevator, Tony was sitting on the sofa nursing a glass of Whiskey.

"Hey Y/N, your back," Tony says, walking towards you, pulling you into a hug.

"Hope you haven't been causing too much trouble Tony" You reply.

Once the words come out of your mouth, Pepper screams "Tony Stark!..."

You didn't hear the rest as you walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple before making your way to your room.

On your way, you pass Bucky in the corridor, dressed in a pair of black sweats and a black tank top looking like he just came back from training.

"Hey Bucky" you greet the ex-assassin

"Hey Y/N, glad to see that you are back" Bucky greets giving you a hug.

"Good be home" You reply "I am going to Sleep now"

"Have a nice sleep' Bucky says before walking off down the corridor.

You carry on down the corridor until you come to your room. You put in your passcode and the door opens. you drop your bag in the corner as you walk through the door and make your way to your bathroom to take a shower and freshen up.

Steve's P.O.V

I am on my way to the kitchen when Bucky comes up to me with a big smile on his face that half looks like a smirk. What's he so pleased about?

"What's up, Buck?" I ask

"Y/N's home, Stevie boy" Bucky replies and pats me on the back.

I walk into the kitchen with him following and make my way to the fridge.

"And?" I ask, opening the fridge and grabbing out the milk

"Now you can finally ask her out" Bucky grins, while I pour coffee into my mug

"I don't think she likes me that way Buck," I sighed, pouring milk in my coffee and then putting it back in the fridge.

"She definitely likes you. She has that look in her eye everytime she sees you, like you are her whole world, but also with disappointment because she thinks that you don't like her the same way" Bucky explains, before getting up from where he was sitting at the breakfast bar and opens the cupboard door, pulling out a pack of cookies.

"If you say so bud" I reply, picking up my mug and heading to the living with Bucky following.

"She definitely does, Mate," Bucky says, before biting into a cookie

"Who does?" Tony asks from where he is sitting on the sofa, nursing a glass of whisky when we get to the living room.

"I'm trying to convince Steve that Y/N likes him" Bucky replies like it's the most frustrating thing in the world.

"Oh, she totally likes you" Tony replies, smugness in his tone.

Your P.O.V

I wake up from a two-hour nap and make my way to the kitchen since my stomach won't stop rumbling. Even though I just want to go back to sleep, I haven't eaten in 27 hours and I am starving.

When I get to the kitchen, I open the fridge and find leftover pizza. I grab two slices and put them on a plate before putting them in the microwave for 2 minutes to heat them up. I also grab a can of Pepsi Max from the fridge. I also grab some cookies from the cupboard and get my pizza out of the microwave since it is done.

I then sit at the table to eat. While I was eating my pizza, I thought about how my mission didn't go as I planned and the amount of paperwork I have to do tomorrow. It is going to be a nightmare.

While I was lost in thought Steve walks into the kitchen and takes a seat opposite me.

"Hey Y/N" Steve greets, pulling me out of my thoughts

"Hey Steve" I greet back, with a small smile

"How was the mission?" Steve asks

"It was ok. Didn't go as I planned and I definitely didn't think it would be as long as it did" I reply

"You look tired" Steve comments

"Yea, I didn't sleep or eat much for that matter" I reply

"Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me Saturday night, say about 6:00?" Steve says, after 5 minutes of silence while I ate.

"I would love to Steve" I grin after coming out of shock

"Wonderful. Now go and get some sleep" Steve demands

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