Chris Evans part 2

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F/F- favourite flavour

Y/H/C- your hair colour

Y/F/P/T- your favourite pizza topping

Y/F/D/F- Your favourite Disney film



We sat there talking for an hour before he got called away and I had to go and meet my best friend for our study session. Before we left, we exchanged numbers and decided to meet up again the same time tomorrow.

As I was walking back to campus, it hit me.




It has been a month since I met Chris and we have become close friends. We have met every day at the cafe and got to know each other.

Today is our weekly movie day and my turn to pick the movie.

My best friend/roomie has gone out with her boyfriend for the night so Chris and I have the apartment to ourselves.

I got dressed in a pair of black leggings, my burgundy varsity striped hoodie and a pair of fluffy socks with red foxes on them.

I put my long Y/H/C into a messy bun before picking up my phone and making my way to the kitchen.

When in the kitchen, I put F/F popcorn in the microwave and put some other snacks into bowls and took them to the living room, putting them on the coffee table before making my way back to the kitchen to collect the popcorn.

After putting the popcorn on the table, I got a text from Chris.

From: Christopher

On my way. Should be there soon, I will pick up the pizza on the way xx

To: Christopher

Ok, see you soon. Don't forget to get Y/F/P/T xx

After I hit send, I put my phone on the sofa and made my way to my movie collection, that I set up on two shelves on the left wall. If you can't tell I love movies.

I decided to pick a Disney movie as they are Chris and Mines favourite films to watch.

I picked out my favourite Y/F/D/F and put it in the T.V ready for when Chris comes.

When that was done, I grabbed the fluffy blankets I keep in the cupboard by the door and put them on the sofa.

20 minutes later, there was a knock on the door letting me know that Chris was here.

I got off the sofa and locked my phone after scrolling through twitter and made my way to the front door.

"Christopher," I say, opening the door.

"Y/N," Chris says back, laughing

I let Chris in.

"I am going to get plates, you make yourself comfy. You know where everything is" I tell him closing the door.

"Take your time," Chris says "I'm just going to nip to the loo"

"Ok, Do you want a beer?" I ask

"Yes please," Chris says, before going to the bathroom

I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed two plates from the cupboard and a beer from the fridge for Chris. I made myself a cup of coffee and took everything to the living room.

I put everything on the coffee table to see Chris sitting on the sofa, texting.

"You ok?" I ask

"Yea, Just Seb mothering me. Hasn't stopped since we left the studio" Chris says

"Your lucky Mackie hasn't joined in," I say knowing what they are like after meeting them a few times.

"I forgot you meet the cast" Chris replies

"Yea like two weeks ago, but I have seen Seb and Mackie a lot more since then" You say, before picking up the remote.

We sat there watching the movie and eating our pizza when Chris's phone goes off. I pause the movie before Chris answers the call, putting it on speaker.

"Hey Winter Boo Bear," Chris says, making him laugh

"Hey Captain small ass" Sebastian replies

That's when I burst out laughing.

"I'm on loudspeaker, aren't I?" Sebastian adds

"Yep, Chubby dumpling," I say

"Don't you start too" Sebastian replies

"You interrupted our movie so no" I sassed

"Sorry, I wanted to know how Chris is doing" Sebastian replies

"Why? Did something happen today?" I ask curiously but also worried.

"Nothing too bad, Chris just hurt himself while we were filming a scene" Sebastian explains

"Why didn't you tell me?" I shout at Chris

"I didn't think it was a big deal" Chris answers

"I worry about your well being," I tell him forgetting that Sebastian was on speaker phone.

"Sorry, next time I will tell you," Chris says pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead

"Still here" Sebastian reminds us

"Sorry, forgot you were on the phone," Chris says, pulling out of the hug.

"Just listening to you love birds" Sebastian laughs

"Shut up Stan," I say

"Why can't you just admit your feelings for one another?" Sebastian asks

"Bye Seb," Chris says hanging up the phone

"You like me?" I ask Chris

"Yea" Chris admits after being silent for a while

"I like you too Chris" I reply

"In that case, will you be my girlfriend?" Chris asks

"If you will be my boyfriend" I answer

"Is that a yes?" Chris asks

I pulled Chris into a kiss as an answer, taking him by surprise. It wasn't long before he kissed back.

"I take that as a yes" Chris says, pulling away from the kiss

I put my forehead on his and give him a smile before whispering,



Thanks for being so patient, My nan recently passed and I haven't been in the right state to write, but I am back and I hope you like it. 

This chapter is dedicated to @Aamna45

Thanks for reading 


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