Chris Evans

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You sat at the table with a cup of coffee in your hands, looking out of the window of the cafe into the busy New York streets. You looked down at your table, at your coursework spread across the table, laptop and textbooks open in front of you.

Being a college student was stressful, but worth it because you get to do what you love. You were a drama major since you wanted to work in T.V and film.

You looked down at the script you were writing for your assignment when the shop bell goes off, letting you know that someone has come through the door.

You looked up to see a guy with a baseball cap covering his face, a hoodie and jeans. He looked behind him, body language looking tense before his body relaxed after looking behind him.

He walked up to the counter and ordered from the bored looking barista.

You looked down at your phone which dinged, letting you know someone had messaged you.

From: Bestie
Where are you? Xx

To: Bestie
Where am I normally at? Xx

From: Bestie
The Cafe should have known. On my way now. Xx

To: Bestie
Ok. Xx

Your P.O.V

Two days later, I was at the same cafe and saw the same man again. Which is quite strange because I never see people more than once in this cafe throughout the whole time I have been coming here.

Since I came here every day, I have gotten to know the owner well. He tells me that I am the only one who came back more than once.

I was sitting at the table with my notebook and textbook open, studying for class. I could feel someone watching me. I looked behind me to see the man watching me with curiosity on his face, I waved and smiled politely at him, getting one back.

I turned back to my studying on producers for my exam, when the mystery man sat in front of me, taking me by surprise.

"Hi, My name is Chris," He says, politely

"Hello, I'm Y/N" I replied, putting my pen down, on top of my notebook.

"Sorry to bother you, but I have seen you around and wanted to introduce myself," Chris says, smiling.

"It's fine, I needed a break from studying anyway," I tell him before drinking some of my coffee.

"What are you studying?" Chris asked, Curiosity in his eyes.

"I am studying for one of my college classes" I reply

"What you studying?" He asks, smiling

"I am a drama major," I say

"Wow, do you want to be an actor?" He curiously asks

"Yea, if I can," I say

We sat there talking for an hour before he got called away and I had to go and meet my best friend for our study session. Before we left, we exchanged numbers and decided to meet up again the same time tomorrow.

As I was walking back to campus, it hit me.


Chris Evans/Steve Rogers imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now