Steve Rogers- Party and Support

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Edited- 19th June 2019



Y/F/B- Your Favourite Band

Y/N- Your Name


I look around at the people dancing, drinking and talking at one of Stark's parties. He threw a party claiming we all need a night of fun. But I know he just wants to throw one before people start talking.

I scan the room from my place leaning up against the wall next to the door, with a cocktail in my hand, spotting the team around the room.

Tony is with Pepper talking to some people, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce and Clint are at the bar, Steve, Bucky and Sam are playing pool, Rhodey and Thor are with a group of men, drinking and Peter is sitting on the couch with his friend Ned.

I put my drink on the table and scan the room one last time before walking to the lift and getting in.

Steve's P.O.V

I look over at where Y/N was standing to see her getting into the lift. I watch as the doors close and the numbers change, informing people that it is going up.

"What you watching, pal?" Bucky asks putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing Buck" I sigh

"I have known you for years Steve and I know when something is on your mind" Bucky argues

"I was just watching Y/N, I have noticed that something's not right with her lately like something is bugging her" I admit

"I noticed something off and then I realised what this time of year is.." Bucky starts

"It's the month her brother died of cancer" I finish, mentally facepalming myself for forgetting.

"Go talk to her, man" Sam speaks up

I nod before thanking them both and making my way to the lift.

I make my way to the nighty sixth floor, where Y/N's room is based and knock on the door when I get there.


When I get to my room, I get out of the dress Natasha had me wear and put on my P.J's before putting on Y/F/B through my Bluetooth speakers, Tony installed for me and make my way to my ensuite.

I stood there looking in the mirror for ten minutes, and just as I go to pick up my makeup wipes, there is a knock on my door.

I make my way to the door to finding Steve on the other end, after opening it slightly.

"Hey Steve, come on in," I greet, opening the door fully to let him in and close the door behind him, "so, what brings you to my neck of the woods?"

"I noticed you leaving the party early than you normally do and wanted to make sure that you were ok," Steve answers, making me smile. I can always count on Steve to make me smile.

"I'm ok Steve, I'm just not in the party mood," I reply on my way to the bathroom again, Steve trailing behind me.

"I know that October is a difficult time of year for you and I just want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to or just need something, you can always come to me, anytime day or night," Steve says, as I take off the makeup Nat insisted I wear.

"Thanks, Steve, you are so caring and a true gentleman, any woman is lucky to have you," I respond, putting my things down, giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I just want you to be happy. You deserve the best," Steve says

That's when the tears start rolling down my cheeks after being strong for days.

"Did I do something wrong?" Steve panics

"No, my brother used to tell me that I deserved the best every day, ever since I was a baby," I explained, trying to control my tears.

"And he is right because after everything you have been through, you are so strong and I admire that about you," Steve says pulling me into a hug.

Once I stop crying, Steve goes to his room to change after suggesting we watch a movie.

While he is getting changed, I put on Y/F/M, grab snacks from my kitchen area and get settled on my bed under the covers and wait for Steve to come back.

As I am waiting, my phone buzzes on my nightstand next to me. I pick it up to see that it is from my mother.

From: Mum

Hey Sweetie, just wanted to make sure that you are ok and was wondering if you wanted to come home for a few days? xx

To: Mum

Hey mum, I am ok and I would love to come home for a few days xx

Just as I send the text, Steve walks into my room dressed in grey sweats, a plain white shirt and socks.

From: Mother

What about this weekend? xx

"You ok?" Steve asks, settling next to me, under the covers.

"Yea, Just texting my mum" I reply

To: Mum

Sounds great. I will come on Thursday to Monday xx

I put my phone on my nightstand and press play for the movie to start and cuddle up to Steve who wraps his left arm around me, enjoying the peace in the room.


I step out the lift with a smile on my face for the first time in what feels like weeks.

"Your back!!" Steve says, running up to me and pulling me into a hug.

"Good to be back" I reply, hugging him back and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I put my bag down on the floor and jump onto the sofa landing on Bucky, knocking the wind out of him.

"Someones back to their usual self" Bucky states, pushing me off him, making me giggle

"Did you enjoy your trip?" Tony asks, from where he is sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee and Stark Pad in his hands.

"I did" I reply

"Glad to see you back to yourself," Steve says helping me up from the floor.

"Good to be back," I say again before walking away

"Where you going?" Steve asks

"To get food" I reply before walking into the kitchen, making everyone laugh.

"Same old, Y/N" I hear Tony says as Steve smiles at you, glad you are back. You smile back at him while blushing, which you are glad no one can see. 

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