New arm- Steve Rogers

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Part two is called holiday and surprises

Edited- 19th June 2019


You are sat in your lab, on your computer designing a new arm for Bucky when your brother Tony Stark walks through the room.

"Hey baby sis," Tony says, making his way over to you "what you up to?"

"Designing Bucky a new arm" you reply.

"What did Cap say about it?" Tony asks

"I haven't told him yet as Bucky wants it to be a surprise," I reply, "I hate keeping secrets from him that's one thing about our relationship, we never keep secrets from one another"

"Talk to Barnes about it. I'm sure he won't mind you telling Steve" Your pain in the ass brother responds

"What about Steve?" Bucky asks, walking into the room at the same time as usual with milkshakes in one hand from your favourite diner.

You once told him that if you were going to build his arm and he was going to be spending a lot of time in your lab, then he needs to bring something in return.

"I can't keep this a secret from Steve anymore. One thing that makes our relationship work is that we don't keep secrets from one another" you answer truthfully.

"well then let's tell him when the design is done. That can be the surprise" Bucky replies.

"The design is done. I just have to do one little thing to do and it will be completely completed" you respond.

Bucky nods and passes you your F/F milkshake and goes to sit at the desk in the corner while on his phone, like usual.

30 minutes later, you finish the design and call him over. You sip your drink while he looks at the design along with Tony, who was watching you work the whole time.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you call Steve, please?" You ask the AI

"Right away, Y/N" She replies

10 minutes later, Steve walks into the Lab to find his girlfriend and best friends waiting for him.

"You wanted to see me, doll?" Steve greets

"Bucky wants to see you actually" you reply

"What's up, Buck?" Steve asks, turning to face his friend.

"So you know how my arm has been playing up a lot lately and is always needing fixing. (Steve nods). I asked Y/N to make me a new one and she just finished the design. I wanted the whole thing to be a surprise but Y/N is worried about keeping secrets from you" Bucky explains

"That's great news, Buck. I am happy for you" Steve replies, hugging Bucky and then kissing you. "Let's see this design"

You pull up the design for him to look at, before going to the fridge to pull out your sandwich, you put in there from dinner, that you hadn't eaten yet. You eat half the sandwich, put the plate down on the side and go to one of the cupboards pulling out a packet of chips.

"Anybody want one?" You ask

"Yes please," Tony says while the super soldiers answer "no thanks"

You throw Tony a pack and eat the other half of your sandwich before opening the chips, taking a few out and popping them into your mouth.

"This is really good, Y/N/N. I can't wait to see it finished" Steve says after he finishes looking at your design.

"Thank you, Stevie" You reply before throwing away your empty chip packet.

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