Chapter 6 - Just Another Day In Paradise

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Lukas' POV ✫ 


My phone buzzes in the back pocket of my jeans, sending an uneasy vibration through my body. I reach my phone and my hand brushes over the hard material of my phone case. I bring it up to my ear, still feeling slightly uneasy about who it might be. My boss wanted me to have a phone so he could keep in touch with me so I could update him on the mission.

"H-hello?" I ask as uneasiness spreads through my body, making my voice stutter.

"Lukas, it's me. Did you ever fight the girl?" my boss asks.

"Yea, I did. Tori Ramirez right?" I ask.

I hear him sigh on the other line. "Yeah. Did I ever tell you why this mission is so important?" he asks.

I shake my head then realize that he can't see me. "No, sir."

He sighs. "Well, let me tell you."

"Okay, sir." I say and sit down at the giant kitchen island.

"Okay, well, she is a member of the most dangerous gang in all of Virginia. She is probably their best fighter. Did you beat her when you fought her?" he asks.

"Yeah, sir. I beat her. Twice." I reply.

I hear him chuckle. "Good." he says. "Now, let me continue. Okay, she's very powerful. She is causing much trouble in our gang. Everyone was too scared to do what you are doing now." he says.

"What do you want me to do now?" I ask.

He clears his throat. "I want you to get close to her. Learn what she plans on doing with her strength. Just become close enough to her to find out all her secrets." he replies.

"I understand. What do you need to know exactly?" I ask.

I hear him yawn and I glance at my watch. It's only 7:00 at night. Why is he so tired?

Focus Lukas!

"I want you to find out what she knows about our gang and you." he says.

"Yes sir, but how do I get to close to her? The only times I really ever see her are in a fighting ring when I'm about to knock her out." I say honestly.

I hear him chuckle tiredly. "You've always been a clever one, Lukas, I'll give you that. You're also my best fighter. You'll figure out a way. You always do." he says.

I smile. "Thanks, sir."


I walk through the school doors, my head hidden behind my sweatshirt hood. I try to ignore the stares of the students burning through me. This is exactly why I hate high school.

My bag swings on my shoulders. Heads turn away when my eyes meet theirs. I walk to my locker and turn the combination. I run my hand along the cool surface of my textbook. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I slide the books I need for my next classes and slam my locker door shut.

With my backpack slightly heavier, I walk to class before the late bell rings and sit at a desk in the back row. I stand my textbook up on my desk, remove the hood from my head and hide my head behind it. I ignore the glares from my teacher. I block out the voice at the front of the classroom and lose myself in thought.


Man, class goes by fast. I slide the hood back over my head and close my textbook. I clutch the book to my chest and swing my bag over my shoulder. I walk quickly out of that classroom, only to do the exact same thing all over again but in a different room.

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