Chapter 24 - I Got Your Voicemail

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Tori's POV ★ 


My mom left a note on the coffee table and a cup of tea. The tea has gone cold but it's the thought that counts.

The note says, went out shopping. Be home later. Love you, mom.

I smile and take my cold tea into the kitchen. I pour the tea into a microwaveable cup and heat it for 30 seconds. Drumming my fingertips against the table my thoughts roam with the hum of the microwave in the background.


I open the door of the microwave, steam from the tea hitting my cool face. Thank you, mom. I pour the hot tea back into its original cup and sit at the counter.

My phone vibrates on the couch and I reluctantly get up to retrieve it. "This better be important," I mumble to myself and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I call into the phone.

"Hey," Tanner says back.

"This better be important. My earl grey tea is sitting two inches away." I say, only half-kidding. Okay, three-fourths kidding.

"Oh, I'm that case, rain check?" Tanner asks.

"No, it's fine. Earl Grey can wait. What's up?" I ask.

"Emilie and I are official now!" Tanner says, happily.

"What? Really? Wow! I'm so happy for you guys!" I say, feeling happier than I've felt since Lukas left.

"Yeah, I kinda wanted to surprise you. You know, since Lukas left." Tanner says.

"Thanks, Tanner. How long now?" I ask.

"Um, three weeks beginning next Tuesday," Tanner says, proudly.

"Wow, that's a long time!" I say, surprised.

"Yeah, but I really like her." He says, sounding sincere.

"I'm sure you do," I say.

There is a pause and all I can hear is Tanner's breathing. I try to imagine him, laying on his back on his bed, his legs crossed and his arms crossed under his head, smiling.

I sigh.

"Hey, uh, Emilie just got home so I, uh, gotta go, but I'll talk to you soon." He says.

"Okay. Bye." I say and hang up.

I charge over to my Earl Grey like a three-year-old runs to a candy store and take a small sip. The warm peppermint taste of the tea warms my cold body from the inside out. A moan escapes my lips. Damn is this stuff good.

When I finish my tea, I head to my room. I put on a pair of wool sweatpants and a black sweater due to the cold weather outside. I put on my favorite pair of black Air Jordans and walk out of my house to my car.

Since I haven't been to the gym in a few weeks, I've gained a few pounds. I sling my bag over my shoulder and step into my car. I see my breath as it escapes from my mouth. Damn it's cold in February. I turn up the heat in my car.

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