Chapter 8 - Picture Day

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✫ Lukas' POV ✫ 


Damn, my alarm is loud. I check the time. It's 6:00 in the morning. Normally I wouldn't get up this early, but I have school.

I run my hand through my sandy blonde hair, trying to untangle the knots. Of course, I don't succeed. I groan and throw the blankets off of my body. My bare toes hit the plush carpet and I breathe in the smell of wood floors and paint. I walk up to my closet and try to find a decent outfit to wear.

I soon decide on a grey sweatshirt that goes past my hips and ripped black jeans. I grab my favorite white sneakers and walk into the bathroom.

I brush a comb through my hair until the knots are nonexistent then squeeze a tube of toothpaste onto my toothbrush, then walk downstairs with the taste of mint still fresh on my tongue. Once I'm done getting ready, I grab my backpack and open the door.

The sun is newly risen in the sky, surrounding the sky in a pretty pink and orange. Savoring the warmth on my face, I walk to my car. I usually ride my motorcycle but I decide that today I will switch it up a bit.

The car is another gift from my boss. It's a white Mercedes. I love it already. I put the car into reverse and head out the mile long driveway.


At school, I slip the sweatshirt hood over my head and walk through the doors, the upper half of my body slumped over, my sneakers making squeaky noises along the tile floors.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn quickly around my eyes glaring at the person who dared to touch me. With my fists raised, I look angry. I drop my fists, looking down. I mumble a "sorry" to the principal and walk quickly to my locker.

I hear a few chuckles and giggles from the people who witnessed my little outburst.
My cheeks flush in embarrassment. I'm only 5 minutes into the school day and I already know it's going to be a long and stressful day.

Grabbing my books, I tuck them into my backpack and walk to class. Tori is already there, doodling in her notebook.

I take the seat next to her, plopping my bag onto the ground.

"Hey," I say politely. Tori nods in my direction, saying an inaudible "hello". Someone's in a bad mood. For once, it's actually not me.

"Nice drawing," I say, my lips forming a straight line.

Tori puts her pencil down and sighs, she closes her notebook filled with doodles and turns to me.

"Thanks," she says, not at all sounding thankful.

She turns back around, drumming her pencil across the desk. The late bell rings and we are still the only people in the room. Tori stops drumming her pencil and looks at me.

"Are we in the right class?" She asks, her voice actually sounding something other than frustrated or angry. I look back at her, her brown eyes burning bright under the lights of the classroom.

"I don't know. Are we?" I ask, sounding playful. I know we are in the right class and I'm never wrong.

"I don't know! That's why I asked you!" Tori says, sounding frustrated again.

"Geez, what'd you eat for breakfast? Bitch flakes?" I say, hoping that will put a smile on her face. It doesn't.

"Ugh!" She says and grabs my wrist. I let her try to hurt me, but in real life I can get out of her grip easily. Eventually, I get bored and release her grip, one finger at a time.

"H-how did you?" Tori stammers, obviously shocked. I laugh.

"You're weak," I say. Tori looks momentarily hurt before she play punches me. Trust me, I know the difference between a play punch and a real punch.

"That hurt," she says, with a pout displayed on her lips. I laugh.

"Good," I say and turn to the first student who walks in the door. 

It's Amber.

Amber is one of the girls in my grade. She has long, wavy brown hair and green eyes. She's not the nicest person but she's pretty hot. Right now, she's pissed. She also looks really dressed up for a school day.

"Um, you guys, it's picture day! Everyone's in the gym!" She says, stamping her high heel onto the ground. Tori and I look at each other. Then we look at Amber's perfectly curled hair, her pink lips, and her yellow dress. I then at that moment know exactly what Tori is thinking. Oh, shit.

Tori and I then follow Amber out of the classroom into the direction of the gym. Even with my head down, I can see Amber's curled hair bouncing with her steps. Her high heels echo along the walls of the school.


When we reach the gym, it's filled with students. All the girl students are dressed up in dresses, while the guys wear bow ties or ties.

I suddenly feel very underdressed in a sweatshirt and jeans. Then I remember that I'm wearing a white collared shirt under my sweatshirt. I take the hood off my head, ignoring the stares, and walk into line with my fellow classmates. The smell of polished floors fills my nose.

When it's my turn for the picture, the lady who will be taking the photo tries to avert her eyes from my scar, but her eyes don't seem to listen. She stares at my scar the whole time while she's snapping the pictures. I shift uneasily under her grey eyes, hoping she will understand that her stare is bothering me. She never does.

When she's done, I hurry out of the gym, grabbing my sweatshirt and putting it on. Once I pull the hood back over my face, i feel calmer and more at ease. It's crazy how much I'm starting to enjoy hiding my face from the world.

A hand closes around my shoulder and I stop walking. The hand feels genuine and not at all like it's trying to injure me.

I turn around and the person staring back at me is Tori.

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