An Introduction

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Here's the thing, I don't often talk about my life. There's just too much that has happened in it for most people to really truly grasp it. But I thought that maybe if I wrote it down I could explain it better. So, that's what I'm doing.

This is a collection of stories from my life experience. They are all true, and they are all interesting, at least to me. Some of them are disturbing, and while I can't really control the fact that they happened, I can say that I'm sorry that they did.

A lot of this is the whole, "If I had known then what I know now" business, which is a load of crap, really. I am who I am because of the things that happened to me, and if I had known then what I know now, then I wouldn't know now what I'd need to know then. If that makes any sense . . .

Well, anyway, I hope you enjoy yourself reading this collection and stay tuned for updates. Without further ado, on with the book!


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