An Honest Life Update

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Why am I still updating this book? It's kind of become like a diary to me. I have a lot going on but somehow writing it down on the internet helps. 

Anyway, my life is going pretty alright right now. I mean, I still don't have a girlfriend, but at least I have two jobs, a place to live for school this year and I got accepted into my program.

Yeah, no girlfriend. She decided to say no to my question, which is fine. We stayed casual for a while afterward but then the topic of her friend (the one from my last update) came up. She was complaining about him so I told her my opinion. At first, she took it well. Then, the next day, she talked to him and blew up on me about what I had said. Apparently, I had no right to talk to my friends about my suspicions about him? I beg to differ. It is my business to worry about her safety and well-being. She wasn't happy, needless to say. She told me that it would probably be best if we stopped what we had and were just friends.

That really hurt me, let me tell you. I honestly still can't believe it happened, to date. On the other hand, she continues to flirt with me now, after calming down from the situation. It's confusing as all hell and I wish she would stop or at least be more upfront about her feelings. I know that they're there. This kind of chemistry doesn't just go away after an argument. I dunno, but I can't stop thinking about her and my dreams are littered with her.

But moving on ... At least I've got everything lined up for school. I really need to get out of my parent's house. I love them, and I appreciate everything they do for me, but I just feel trapped. It is so not good for my mental health being at home. I'm working on getting better, but somehow my anxiety has peaked this summer and I'm starting to feel like I have to walk on eggshells, which is not okay and also not my parents' fault at all.

Anyways guys, thanks for listening and I hope y'all are doing better than I am right now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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