old "BUDDYS"😏😏😏(sure)

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"Hey Alec will you come and read me a story please?" Said Max "Oh max I miss you so much..." Alec tried to give his brother a hug but found himself hugging nothing. "Then why did you kill me?" Alec's eyes stung with tears "Don't cry Alec I don't really blame you... I love you Alec and I hope you can learn to love yourself." At Max's words Alec felt something warm and thick slide down his arm vertically he looked down to see blood oozing from the long gash on his arm he looked back up to Max but saw his lifeless body on the ground with a large pool of blood around him and the knife on the ground next to him...

Alec's 3rd person POV

Alec sprang up and out of bed after 3 years of max being dead he still blamed himself. He was 25 now and lived in a small apartment in the middle of Manhattan. Alec started thinking about the dream and looked down at the old scar on his forearm. Alec had almost killed himself after max died.

Alec started to cry at the thought of Max, Alec's little brother. Izzy (who was spending the night while here place was getting the heater fixed since it was the middle of the winter she asked to stay with Alec, witch he graciously accepted)ran into the room at the sound of Alec sobing. She embraced him in a big bear hug. "Nightmare?" She asked "y-y-yeah" Alec said wile still sobing. After Alec calmed down a little she said "Tell me about it..." Alec told her a recap of the nightmare. "Well it wasn't your fault that Max died you couldn't have known that a man would try and kidnap him..."


Max had burst into Alec's room crying. Alec had some time off of college and decided to visit his family "what's wrong Maxy?" Alec asked "some kids were being mean to Julian and I tried to stand up for him but he told me to leave him alone that he could stand up for himself and that I was like a... a p-pesky fly..." Then Max broke into sobs.

Alec knew what would cheer him up "how about we go get some ice cream and we can walk there and we can talk about this..." Alec said. Max gave a little nod and a small grin.

Alec wrote a note to his parents saying max had a bad day and that were walking to get ice cream. Alec and max headed to the closest ice cream shop after they ordered they sat down.

"So Julian is your best friend maybe he was under pressure and snap at the only person who would listen... he probably didn't mean anything" he said. "y'all are practically tied together by the hip. Y'all could be a parabatai ." Alec said "Alec is a parabatai a part of that old civilization called the shadowhunters that your studying about?" Max asked "yes actually how did you know about that?" Alec questioned "you said it at dinner last night." Max said wile chuckling "oh... well I forgot I said that." This just made Max laugh harder. Listening to Alec's little brother laugh made him smile at his own stupidity.

Soon Alec and Max we're leaving the shop and walking back home making jokes and just simply enjoying having their brother back. All of a sudden Max screamed and a man grabbed Max. Alec ran up to the man and tried to get Max out of his grasp but it was useless the man punched Alec till he could barely see. He was laying on the ground and watched motionless as max struggled to get away from the man. The man finally gave up and stabbed Max and ran away. Max lay lifeless on the ground with a large pool of blood around him and the knife next to him. Alec slowly got up but it was useless he fell back down and then here screams and footsteps approaching someone yelled "call 911!!" But then Alec was gone.
(End flashback)

Izzy helped Alec get back in bed and sat with him till he fell asleep. Then she went back to her room and went to sleep too.

Alec woke up at 10:30 and Walks into the kitchen where Izzy had bought pigs in a blanket. Izzy had already gone to work giving Alec time to go and get new winter cloths.

say that after my BILL (a malec AU)😊😊Where stories live. Discover now