People That Call Me

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I must say that I do not go unspoken.

In my head, there's a constant riot.

In my heart, you'll find it completely broken.

My gut feels quite queasy

For hashing everything that's not right.

My voice will try to yell,

But comes out as a breath.

So as I sit here, voiceless,

I observe the people.

Those people that call me "Quiet"

Call me "Unsociable"

Call me "Insensitive"

Call me "Childish"

Call me "Simplistic"

Call me "Nerdy"

Call me "Crazy"

Call me "Emotional"

Call me "Imperfect"

No, I'm not "Quiet" or "Unsociable".

I just don't wanna talk to the people that aren't nice.

No, I'm not "Insensitive".

You just don't wanna accept the facts.

No, I'm not "Childish".

You just grew up too fast.

No, I'm not "Simplistic".

I'm vague and complicated.

No, I'm not "Nerdy".

I'm just smarter than you wish to be.

No, I'm not "Emotional".

I have more emotions than you do.

No, I'm not crazy.

I just do things you call weird.

And to those that call out my "Imperfections",

I know I'm a human.

And I know I'm a girl named Me.

When will you learn that you are human too?

I am the girl named MeWhere stories live. Discover now