Chapter 29

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Hellooooooo.... I have a break from studying! 

Haha MAC:) X


Niall's POV- 4:00pm 12 May

"I AM NEVER EVER EVER IN THE HISTORY OF NANDOS GOING ON THAT RIDE AGAIN," I exclaimed still a little dazed from the horrible ride. 

Ziranda just stood there laughing at Hayley who was clutched tightly to my side, looking a little sick. Haz was not looking too good either, and Leah was chuckling at him too! Evil people!!

"Well I am hungry," I moaned pouting slightly. The drama of today took a little bit of the food circulating in me, and I wasn't pleased with that... NIALL HORAN DOES NOT APPROVE. 

"Surprise suprise!" Liam sarcastically retorted and I squished up my face making Hayley laugh uncontrollably. I love it when she throws her head back, and laughs like a maniac. Actually more like a cute bunny on crack!

We chit chat on the way to Goofy's Kitchen- no doubt, it was Lou's choice! Well, as long as the food there was good, I have no objections..... 

WHOA THIS STUFF IS PRETTY GOOD! I have no idea what I was eating, but it tasted good. Annie and Jason came over earlier and gave us a small wink. I could feel Hayley's cheeks heat up from a mile away! She must've been embarrased about the encounter this morning. But it was fun! 

A couple more characters came around, like Goofy, Alice and the Mad Hatter and Pluto! Heeeheehee. 

We all took really funny and silly pictures with the characters, and thankfully.. This was one of the days without fans! Ugh, thank god I told the Disney management to keep tight security around just in case. Paul... I have no idea where he was. I reckon he's still staying in a hotel near Hayley's.. 

"I'm done, and full up. Let's go look at the pictures of today!" Eleanor suggested. 

"Okey," Hayley replied and smashed down some money in a passing waiter's hands. 

"HAYLEY. You. No. Paying." Harry sternly said taking his wallet out. 

This, is war.. 

"NYAHAHA JUST KNOW I ALWAYS HAVE MY WAY BOYS!" Hayley flicked her hair in my face causing me to scrunch up my nose. 

"Spolit brat!" Zayn jeered. 

"You better not say anything, I can get vicious!" She threatened pushing open the door to our suite. 

"Whoa! All the rooms seem so pretty here!" Dani commented her fingers trailing the surfaces. 

"Pretty Sick suite you got here Nialler," Haz said flashing his signature grin. 

"I WANNA SHOW YOU MY PICTURES!" Miranda jumped up and down, looking like she was going to drop her professional Canon camera any moment. 

"Miranda, did you take your hyper activity pills today?" Hayley asked patting Andy on the back. Andy replied by sticking her tongue out and plugging her camera to the TV. 

We went through about 400 pictures, she takes really good ones I have to say! 

"Oooh look! Here is my favourite picture with Belle and The Beast."

Shit crappity crap SHIT! (AN: Sorry about the language :) I looked worriedly at Hayley who excused herself to the toilet. 

"Wow! Belle looks hot," Harry sniggered earning a glare from Leah and I.

"Back off she's mine," I muttered under my breath so no one heard. 

"Oi, doesn't she look like I've seen her before? Oh god, she must be somewhere from school! Ugh, if only Scar and Jen were here to help me out. They know everyone in the school!" Leah tapped her chin. 

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