Having you 21

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You- I got woke up by my brother running into the room "get out I'm tried" I said under my covers "well okay moms going to be mad at yo" "JUST GET OUT" I got up after he left I tried to get my self in a good mood which worked. I did the usual I jumped in the shower and did my hair which took forever because it was long I did some what if my makeup

Mike- I got up took a shower got dressed and eat. I waited for some time until I could leave.

You- I'm not ready goshhh

Mike- I'm so ready

You- so texted Jay
Me- hey you ready
Jay- yeah umm be at your house soon
Me- okay

She got here and we left on our way there we met up with the boys. "Sup girls you look amazing" ham said I scoffed "yeah whatever" even though I was think that we did look. "Y/n" I turned around to see Benny "hey Benny what's up?" I asked "umm" "yeah"? I was still trying to get it out of him until Timmy yelled "bus is here" and of course tommy followed him.

Mike- I sat down and watched as Benny and y/n chatted. She's wasn't really doing anything she seemed busy everyone kept talking to her even other non gang kids did   . Gosh she's going to fix in perfectly I thought

You- everyone kept talking to me not going to lie it was good to be noticed once.  We got to school and I got to class the girls were all in there own group I sat way at the end of the class. I seen the older boys walk in I was glad even to see my twin brother in the same class he sat besides me "she's hot don't you think" I looked over to see who he was talking about "oh please" I rolled my eyes I was to busy talking to him to see mike sit on my right side. I looked to see and he smile... is he tryna get me back? I brushed it off as the teacher read out the class and their names. "Great" I said trying not it to be noticeable "what?" Mike said "well I only have three classes with Jayleen" I told him trying not to make eye contact.

Mike- first period was boring the teacher barely said a word and I told to y/n and not going to lie she look good today I just hope Kianna ain't at this school... until I got  up to use the washroom and a bunch of girls in the class moved and I seen her.  She probably look as shook as me. I walked out. In the washroom I washed my face because I didn't even need to use it I just got bored wanted to get out I heard the door open and seen her ... Kianna walk in "umm" I said confessed "shh"  she put her hand over my mouth "I really messed you... shoe lots you know that" she made a sad puppy face" I rolled my eyes "well I have to go" I walked out there looking back to see if she's was coming ... what did I get myself into....


Having you/mike vitarWhere stories live. Discover now