01. Rᴇsᴛᴀᴜʀᴀɴᴛ

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THE waiter sidelong looks was making me feel terribly self conscious and uncomfortable but I did my best to take it upon myself, secretly delighted because tonight was the first evening we will spend in a while together since his bussiness trip.

Nervous, I fiddled with the soft corner of the silky napkin set before me. I kind of dreaded our reunion and wouldn't have been against a more secluded and private location for this but Jungkook had insisted and I was weak to his demands. Sighing I looked up to see him staring right back at me. My heart made a flip in my chest and I blushed. He threw me a bright smile walking quickly to join me.

"Babe" his voice purred when he stood before me. I couldnt take my eyes off him and honeslty I didn't want to. He sat across from me and took my hand on his. "Sorry babe, I'm late but the meeting ran longer than I thought." I didn't care now that he
was there with me, I nodded.

"It's fine." and because It had been five weeks since we last saw each
other in flesh and I couldnt help it blurting out. "I missed you so much its torture." He broked into a smile, patting the side of my palm.

"Me too."

The waiter approached.

"Good evening Sir." He said bowing to him. I'd feel the shift in his attitude toward me when he turned to me, bowing respectfully. "May I offer you some wine?" Jungkook accepted watching as the waiter filled his glass he then once more turned to me.

"No, No wine for me." I declined, ignoring the look of surprise Jungkook shot me from across the table. I gulped down nervous knowing full well that he would find it suspicious.

"Something wrong babe?" He asked, worried. I shook my head.

"No. I'm fine." I lied. The waiter scoffed and left us. I could still feel jungkook's intense gaze on me. I glanced up, flashing him my most convincing smile but the corners of my lips quivered, breaking the illusion.

He hummed, bringing the glass to his lips and taking a long sip before setting it down. His brown orbs zereoing on me. I pale under the candlelights.

"Tell me."

Closing my eyes, I sighed. The moment I had dreaded ever since I had found about the news was finally happening. I inhaled sharply, forming the words in my head then deleting them, feeling less and less sure of myself as precious seconds passed. I opened back my eyes, avoiding meeting his and the words just spilled out.

"I'm pregnant."


JEONGGUK had been gone for days now and I had resolved to sleep with his t shirt pressed against my cheek when I was suddenly taken with a furious envy to vomit. I swung my feet over the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I barely had time to crouch down next to the loo before I gagged and all the content of my
stomach moved up my digestive tract to my throat and spilled out of my mouth into a powerful geyzer that splashed onto the toillet sill.

It went on for a while. How long? I had no idea by the time it's done I was exhausted, sweat beading on my forehead. With difficulty I stood up my feet wobbling and missing
giving out altogether. My vision blurred in front of me I grabbed the edge with both hands, heaving and dragged myself out of the bathroom. In the living room I plopped down on the couch reaching out to grab my phone on the small stool beside me and dialed my friend.

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