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A/N I'm so hype for BTS comeback. I can't wait. So finally this is the epilogue of this story.

Cheesy lines
Really shitty writing( I do my best)

I'm not an english speaker so forgive me


Thanks again for reading it.

One year later

Jungkook and jimin's appartment

Jungkook's pov

I'm standing in front of the kitchen, looking at my marvellous fiancé worried and hurried the chef and the help we engaged  especially for this event to got everything ready. The chef started to get piss abd I decide to drag my jimin out before these two start a fight. I pushed him on the bed and hovered him, started kissing him all over his face while rubbing my jean's against his. Things goes where i want until we heard a giggling black haired little boy dashing in our room, we quickly tearing apart off each other, fixing our clothes as our boy climbed onto the bed and hug us. Our yoosung, is really strong for his age. The nanny whom take care of him, arrived soon, a sorry look:
  "Sorry Mr's Park, he escaped. She said, Jimin glared at her(he is like that), take yoosung in his arms, kissing him he then give her and quickly she leave us alone. He turned back to me
  " you think it was a good idea to take a nurse for him?" He is always worried my baby. After our made up, jimin was on his fourth months. Pregnancy isn't the same for hetero and homos couples, our son is only one year old and he already looks like a three years old boy. It was difficult for him, bearing yoosung in him, and he is a little overprotective to him.
  "It's you who want first to engaged her? Should I remembered you baby? Plus you know he needs help that we can't provided him." He leaned in my arms for cuddles.

Jimin thought it'll be a great idea to organize a party for the anniversary of our relationship. It's just an excuse for tae, jin and him to reunite the gang. But he doesn't known I prepared him a surprise.
  " You look great baby. I think i get a boner." I said smirking. He returned me the glance while leaning against me. Lift his head close to my ears, tiptoeing:
  " hum...you naughty little boi." He mumbled, breathing loudly. Then he pulled away and walks outside the room leaving me with a hard rock boner.
The others arrived, Joonie opened up the way to his fully sized pregnant husband, handling five bags. Jinie hugged me and Jimin before leading to the couch, sigh in relief.
  " Hi Kookie and Jams". Greeted joonie leaving the bags on the table.
  " Our was you beared it jimin?" Asks jin.
  "What? You're glowing jin" said my baby
  " you must be kiddin', i'm fat and ugly. This baby must be really cute to make me suffer like this he isn't even birth yet that he already looks like joonie." Joonie gasped, unhappy. He kissed jin's lips
  " you're still handsome sweetheart, and promise he will looks like you." Earning a tap from the "sweetheart". Yoosung holding his nanny's hand walks down the stairs to greet his uncle, happily. At this moment, the door opened again letting in Tae and Yoongi. Taehyung started hugging jin, joon, then jimin and handshake with me before kneeled in front of yoosung, they started talking in their unknown language that they shared. Yoosung really loves his Godfather Taehyung, sometimes it's makes Jimin jealous. Yoongi just nod his head at us, taking a glass on wine offered by the waiter.
  " he didn't stop talking about Yoosung in the car." He smiles softly at the two boys sitting on the floor. It's been a while since we had gathered like this altogether, I missed these noisy bastards. I turned to glance at jimin and knew he was thinking the same, I softly kissed his lips.

   The Dinner was perfect, we chatted a lot about Hobi doing a world tour and couldn't attend our party. We were all reunited in the saloon, joonie as always taking care of his husband, yoongi pouting at Taehyung for being too caught up with Our child and Taehyung trying to made it up, promising everything. I get up suddenly, a glass in my left hand and a spoon in the right one. Jimin looked at me surprise as the others.
  "Uh..uhm..uhmm it's been a really long time since we were be able to meet up like this, I didn't knew you guys missed me. I started, all of them looking at me silent and concentrate. Baby.. I look at jimin beside me who looks shocked. It's been five years you makes me happy. You gave me a family, a home. I so sorry for not loving you as much as you deserved it sometimes. So tonight, in front of our friend, I want to take an engagement. I breathe in, taking my courage, pushing my chair, and put a knee down, every body around me gasped in surprise, jimin still in shocked didn't say anything. I pulled out the ring I had bought a weeks ago. Will you Marry me Jimin ? I swear I'll do my best to make you happy. To make you feel how much I love you and our son. I stopped here, glancing at him. One, two, three minutes passed. Then he finally wake up and smile madly, eyes glazing.
  " Yes.. Baby..yes I will marry you. He said sobbing in the fabric of his shirt. Taehyung comes up wrapping his arms around his best friend to congratulate, quickly followed by jin, joon and yoongi. 
  " woah it's really a fancy stone you got there jungkookie." He said staring at jimin's new ring. He then turned to yoongi" I want one like this too baby" yoongi sighed but a smile drawing on his face.

Thinking I could have missed all this happiness before makes me question my sanity. When i found jimin, and the others i was alone. Now i have found a family a friend a home. Thanking jimin for all of this. I smile looking at my fiancé and children smiling as he rimmed Yoosung under his sheets. Then he joined me, holding my hand and taking me to our room, we close the door behind us. He kissed me passionately, pushing me onto the bed then hovered me.
  " i love you jungkookie" He said before we stopped talking.


A/N this is the real ending of this story. Thanks you for reading it till the end.

Please checking my others fanfic. I'll try update if you care lol. Goodbye. Comment what you thinks about this. Did i improve? Is it good or not? I really wanna know whst you guys thinking. 😇😉


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