02. Tʜᴇ Bᴀʀ

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"You planned this, right?" he spat from across the table and I flinched back, the words like thousandth knives all piercing through me. I almost looked down to see the ghastly
wound and the blood. I knew he wouldn't be thrilled but never would have imagined he would be this hurtful. It broke my heart and for a moment I'm at loss for words. He used it, adding while he got up.

"I shouldn't have trust you, you are just like the others."

It's all it took, I cried incapable to hold it inside any longer.

My voice cracking as I begged. The idea of him leaving me unbearable. I reached out to grab his hand like I used to do but with a violence I had never seen in him, he slapped it away. It's like he had slapped me across the face. I recoiled, mouth clipping shut in resignation. He turned around and rushed outside.

Others customers were murmuring around me but I couldn't care less, i was too mortified by jungkook's behaviour when I sensed a movement in my peripheric. Immediately hope rose in my chest and I stared up to see Jungkook but its short lived because its not him but the waiter from earlier. He shot me a glare full of disdain slamming a small basket on the table.

"The bill. I'm afraid you will habe to pay before leaving." I then got up and
left alone. It's cold outside and after a breve hesitation I fumbled inside my
trenchcoat's pocket pulling out my phone and I called Taehyung but its his boyfriend who picked up.

"Jimin?" His raspy voice echoed through the speaker.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you but.." I sobbed. He hummed in the line. I heard faintly shuffling and when he talked again he is worried.

"Where are you?" He demanded and I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I'm already about to tell him to not worried when he cut me off. "Just tell me where you are and Tae and I will come get you."

I swallowed back thickly, giving him the adress to the restaurant

"Stay where you are." and then he hung up.

Thirty minutes they killed the engine of their car and taehyung rushed out to pull me into his arms. I welcomed it whole heartly.

"I swear if I get my hands on Jeon Jungkook he will regret being born." He let out once we're in the car. I stared out the window.

They stepped aside to let me in and I marched into the living room, pausing when I noticed the open wine bottle and wine glasses on the table. Ours gazes locked and he must sensed it because he hug me.

"I interupted something, I'm so." He laid a finger against my lips, shutting
me up. "Don't. I was worried sick for you and he just tried to console me."

"I still feel shitty." I confessed. He rolled his eyes.

"Worried about Jungkook because one Min and I will get him..." he let the threat hung in the air. I chuckled, thinking how lonely I would be without him and his boyfriend. At the second Yoongi arrived a wine glass and bottle of juice in each hands.


I stirred awake to My fiance's hand down my pajamas bottom, circling around my half hard cock. His deft hand closed around the shaft and began stroking it lazily at first. The rubbing dragged a moan out of My lips and I cracked a eye open, staring
down at him.

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