Chapter 3

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A week later:

Yeah. Uh.
Are all the preparations done? Good good. You may take rest now. But be careful, Jass shouldn't get to know about this".

I was driving my car and was talking with one of my friends when I remembered.
Oh shucks.
I didn't buy her a gift.

Yes. The worst day of this year has come when a curse was sent to the planet earth. My best friend was born this day.
I mentally chuckled.

It's Jass' birthday today, and I didn't buy her a gift...!!

How smart.
My inner self mocked at me.

God. What do I do now?
I looked out of the window of my car and searched for.. well anything.
That's when I saw a gadget store. And I knew what's gonna be her gift.

iOS 10.

It wasn't an eye-catching showroom like I'd buy my gifts from, but I had no other option.

I quickly parked my car and went in. I asked the shopkeeper who looked like she was in her late 20s and she guided me to iPhone X. It was the last piece so I didn't have much of choice. I quickly grabbed it and handed it to her saying I'm gonna buy it and went in to see more gadgets.

I saw a lot of mobiles and laptops and other gadgets. I have to buy a new phone for myself as well.
I mentally noted.
But this wasn't a very good of a time or I'll run late.

I returned back to the shopkeeper asking for bill.

"Sorry ma'am, the other guy already bought it, and it looked too urgent as he has paid 20% more than the orignal price"
She nervously said.

My rage kicked in.

How cheap is that of hers?
Will she sell it to any random guy who gives her the double amount? That's ethically so wrong!

I shouldn't have wasted my time here. It's 7:10 already. I've to be there before 8:00. Jesus. What do I do now?

She must have seen my worried expressions and informed me that the guy who bought it was still standing there talking to someone on phone.

He's my last hope.
There's no choice but to directly ask him.

I stood there waiting for him.
He was facing the other side so I couldn't see his face, but by the  appearance I could tell he looked classy.
He was wearing a tux or something I couldn't really tell. I didn't pay much attention to him or it'd be clingy.

It took 20 more minutes for him to talk to the person. And because I had no option I waited.
Meanwhile I wondered would he really give it back to me? I tried to talk to him or get his attention a few times but he just ignored me like I never existed.
He paid 20% more means he too wanted it badly, didn't he?
But he's now wasting his time on talking on the phone.
Forget it.
He must be some rich kid who wants what he wants so he paid more money.
But if that is it, then why would he give it to me?
God what can be worse? I murmured to myself

He finally turned his face to my side and This. This is the worst.
It was him. Aaron freaking Smith.
Why am I so unlucky??

He smirked when we had an eye contact.

So Mr. Aaron smith, being the CEO of Smith's Industries, is so cheap that he steals other people's gifts.

That was when my rage crossed all the borders.

"You..." I started but was cut off by his words.

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