Chapter 25

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Lots of emotions were in my mind right now, grief, regret, self hatred, anger but above all there was this voice that kept saying me I have to save her.

Everybody looked at me, and her mom came towards me and hugged me. That was it. I couldn't hold myself anymore. All the memories of Scarlett and I played in my mind. How I deliberately bumped into her car in the middle of the road. The way she looked at me whenever I'd taunt her. Those eyes. Those freaking eyes. The way she blinked, the way she walked, lightly so that even the ground shouldn't be hurt carrying her. The first time Marx showed me her picture. The first time we met. The first time we had a disagreement. The first time I insulted her.

Everything about her, the way her unconscious body rested infront of me when she was bitten by a snake. The way she yelled at me to stay away from her. The way she behaved, when she was drunk. She couldn't hide her emotions. It was hard for her, and even if she manages to put an act there's always this glint of honestly in her eyes that screamed out the truth.

I didn't have to do alot of work for her to fall for me, because it always felt like we WERE meant for each other. Our rivalry always brought down the best in us. Even as friends we would read eachother's minds.

I lost her to a misunderstanding. All I knew was I had to save her.

I started crying there. Right in front of everyone because I wouldn't give a damn about their presence. Because my girl was in there. Struggling through her life. Because I was the reason for that.

Indeed, I was the one most affected when she struggled. Indeed, I was the one who had no air in his lungs because indeed, I was the one who loved her without my own self realising it.

Everybody came towards me when they saw me crying like mad, and Jass she understood there was regret in my eyes too. She sympathized with me, too. But little did they now I am the reason their beloved, innocent little girl was struggling through her life.

"It is taking alot of time for them to save her. Let's just call the best doctors of the whole damn world" I cried infront of her mom.

"These are the best ones" her mom cried too.

It pained me to see her like that.

When Scarlett will be okay I'm gonna confess everything to her. She deserved happiness. I'll confess to her that I did everything because of a misunderstanding. I know it will break her heart. But I will win it again. With honesty in me. This time I'll go to every extend to bring her back in my life.

And if she doesn't forgive me, I'll spend the rest of my life in redemption.

The doctor walked out of OT and everyone got up.

"Doctor can we meet her?" I ran towards the doctor.

"I am sorry. We couldn't save her"

**The end**


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